Drew an A6 Tag
6/24/14 10:00am
Well Ive been looking forward to this hunt since i first got stationed out here in California. One old boy on this site was kind enough to point me in the right direction were to look. Any of yall have any luck in this zone? Im going to try to knock on some doors and ask some of the farmers if they dont mind a bow hunter hunting on there land. Growing up in the south knocking on the doors of your neighbors usually get you some nice land to hunt on, just dont know how people out here in California view us hunters. Well if yall have any info for me i sure would be greatful. Keep the arrows flying straight.....
It's getting close! I sent a guy named Spike from this forum up to the spot I told you about and he knocked over a nice 5 point on opening day. Here's wishing you luck to do the same. You can try but don't expect too much help from the ranchers in the Cedarville and Eagleville area. They are nice guys but count on the revenue from their wildlife guests. I'm telling you that you can't go wrong in the wilderness and you should find plenty of bucks to chase there. I have a couple on my wall from that area myself. Hike long, stalk silent, and shoot straight. Let me know if you would like some specific camp spots. we dug out some tent sites on that mountain over the years.------SS