Drew Dall Sheep Tag
3/27/11 7:09pm
I drew an Alaska Dall Sheep Tag this year for unit DS241 The only nonresident archery tag offered this year. I will be hunting with Freelance Outdoors - Lance Kronberger. This unit is located in the Chugach range for bowhunting only. This has been a lifelong dream to take a Dall with a bow. If there is anyone else who has drawn this tag in years past or bow hunted the Chugach. I'd like to hear about your hunt. I will post pictures should I be successful. :)
You better, that's awesome...You're going with one of the best!
i went to high school with lance. he was a year older. he was a hech of a runner!
if i was going on a sheep hunt, i think the one your doing would top my list!