Droptine Antelope Kill (pictures)
11/19/03 12:29pm
Steve Field sent this very unusual buck on his ranch in the northwest Texas Panhandle.

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/freak2.jpg" alt="" />
Art Ziegler is the fourteen year old son of our ranch manager, Walter Ziegler. For Art’s birthday we gave him one of our antelope permits. His father took him out on his first big game hunt and as you can see he now has an incredible trophy. Art took his prize with a .243 from about 125 yards in one shot.

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/freakkill.jpg" alt="" />

Art Ziegler is the fourteen year old son of our ranch manager, Walter Ziegler. For Art’s birthday we gave him one of our antelope permits. His father took him out on his first big game hunt and as you can see he now has an incredible trophy. Art took his prize with a .243 from about 125 yards in one shot.

BOHNTR )))---------------->
thanks for the cool pics
I used to see one occasionally in the west desert that when looking at it face-to-face, the rack looked like a backward "L". The right side went straight out to the side. Wish I could have gotten a pic of it.