My son and 2 of his friends went down to the river today and shot 19 ducks and 1 goose.

17 Gadwall

2 Bufflehead

1 Goose

And for whatever reason 1 of them shot that merganser...
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Looks like you guys had a GREAT time !!! =D> :thumb
"UtahRob" wrote:Looks like you guys had a GREAT time !!! =D> :thumb
I wish it was "you guys."

It was "those guys."

They didn't even invite me!

He didn't invite either one of our dogs either!

Looks like another great haul!
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Just to get even, make them eat that merganzer!
Just to get even, make them eat that merganzer!
That's funny right there! :)

Are they really that much worse?

Nice bunch of birds! :thumb
They pull that kind of crap and you still talk to them? J/K

I agree. Clean all them birds out and mix the fish bird in with them. It will be a nice surprise at dinner. :)
and didn't take the dogs??????????????????? i'd diss-own them suckas :) kidding looks like they had a GREAT day!!!!!!!!!!!
"MuleyMadness" wrote:Are they really that much worse?
I've never tried them! They are supposed to be nasty, but who really knows? Some people don't like antelope. It's actually one of my favorite meats.

People say spoonies taste bad too. I try not to shoot them simply because I would rather shoot mallards. But if I do I shoot them I'll eat them. They're not that bad as far as I'm concerned. A little stronger than other ducks, but certainly edible.

Of course some people eat coots too. I will always prefer a mallard or a pintail over anything else waterfowl related.
good job and by the way nice shotguns
I don't know but in my book all waterfowl tastes the same. I love to hunt them but just can not get past there taste, I eat them cause I like to shoot them but somtimes I have to choke them down.
i save all mine till the end of the year and take them to he meat proceser and have them all ground into summer sausage its pretty good that way - course what can you not put in summer sausage that dont turn out at least eatable.. try it it cost me about 80-90 bucks at the end of the season and you get a lot back last year i got back 35 packs of sausage back.i gave some away and never told people what it was and they all loved it and were suprized it was duck.
"DeadI" wrote:I don't know but in my book all waterfowl tastes the same. I love to hunt them but just can not get past there taste, I eat them cause I like to shoot them but somtimes I have to choke them down.
Have you tried eating them cooked rare? If I overcook duck I can barely eat it myself. A little on the rare side and it's excellent! It should be a little on the bloody side. If you don't like the looks of bloody meat, squirt a little fresh lemon juice on it to brown it up.
i'm thinking you have a benelli nova and a browning invector bottom eject am I right???
The Nova belongs to my son. The other gun belongs to one of his friends. I'm not sure what it is. I wasn't on this hunt and I've never hunted with the guy that ownbs that other gun in the oic. I'll ask my son.
The Nova belongs to my son. The other gun belongs to one of his friends. I'm not sure what it is. I wasn't on this hunt and I've never hunted with the guy that owns that other gun in the pic. I'll ask my son.
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merganzers dont taste bad if you fry them its kind of like deer it has a texture like deer and its kind of gamey but they dont tasye bad