Duplicate Thread?

I just noticed that there was a thread locked in the Rifle Hunting: Big Game section. After primal215 didn't like the fact it was locked, he began a duplicate thread titled exactly the same which right out the gate questioned the moderation of this site. I know Hawk gave him an explanation on the second thread, but should we even allow the second post?......especially since it's questioning his moderation?
I don't have a problem with people having questions with what has been done as long as they can understand where we are coming from and they straigthen up and fly right. It makes a good example of what isn't allowed to go on here. If at that point they decide that they are not going listen to us and keep doing what they have been then it will be time to take care of them.
What I do have a problem with is his attitude :-k He questions the Moderators for moderatoring something that he was causing IMO. Yes Nonya is a pain in the but sometimes but he was baiting Nonya hard trying to get him to respond to a bunch a post he was basicly taunting him. Hawk removed a few of Primel's post and I LOCKED the thread becuase it was going south in a hurry. This guy is new to the site and may become a good member or he may someone trolling to see what kind of trouble he can stir only time will tell.
Hey guys. Yea, I just noticed his most recent posts AFTER my explanation. I think I will go ahead and just delete the second thread all together. I tried to give them the opportunity to continue the discussion in a civilized manner but it doesn't look as if that will be possible.

I also agree with GWH on this one. Although NONYA can be a thorn in the moderator's sides sometimes, I feel that Primal was the one who was at fault here. Of course, NONYA cannot just turn a blind eye to it either...LOL.

I'll take care of it.