Eagle mountain Utah, 3D shoot June 14th and 15th

To see the actual flyer go to http://www.datusarchery.com/pdf_files/2008eaglemtn3dflyer.pdf">http://www.datusarchery.com/pdf_files/2008eaglemtn3dflyer.pdf

DATUS Archery's Annual
Eagle Mountain 3-D Shoot

Saturday June 14th – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday June 15th – 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Three 12-target 3-D courses
Marked Yardage with Redding style scoring 11, 10, 8
Two arrows per target.
Cost: Individual $20 per day or $30 for the weekend.
Family $35 per day $50 for the weekend
Kids Under 13 shoot for free with paying adult.
$15 money pot available with 100% payback
Classes: Men's – Freestyle and Bowhunter freestyle Women's – Open
All scores turned in will be available at http://www.datusarchery.com

One arrow smoker rounds.
We will also have a 10 animal smoker round that can be shot as many times as you
want. Each round is a separate game meaning all 1st rounds against each other, all 2nd rounds against each other etc. etc.
Cost: $10 per round with 75% payback on a 1 to 5 ratio of shooters.
**must be registered for fun shoot also**
We will be holding a great raffle on Sunday with lots of great archery
and hunting prizes including bows and arrows. Bring some extra money to buy tickets, They are $1 a piece or 6 for $5. You don't need
to be Present to win.
Camping available on a first come first serve basis, Food and drinks available at the snack
bar. For further rules and information see http://www.datusarchery.com or contact
Kenneth Oetker @ (801)573-7518

For directions to the shoot click here http://www.datusarchery.com/Eagle_Mtn_directions.htm
TTT for a great shoot going on this weekend. Come out and enjoy the great weather we are going to have..