2/4/11 2:23pm
Hi everyone,
As I mentioned in the MuleyMadness Roll Call, I have a passion for quail hunting. Your asking yourself, why is he posting in the Elk Forum about quail hunting. Well, it's really not about quail or quail hunting.
It is about what my QU Chapter is doing. We have been awarded a Bull Elk Tag in recognition for our conservation work. This tag was awarded to N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. Chapter #481 has decided to raffle the tag to raise funds to further our conservation efforts. This can be verified athttp://www.qu.org and is the forth item down on their front page.
Below is a letter from the Chapter President that has been sent out all over the country to our limited contact list. Before I made this post I asked Brett if it was okay and he gave me permission to do so. If you think you might be interested and would like more information, please send me a PM or email me atoletrapper@hughes.net and I will send you a copy of the accompanying flyer. I did not want to post the flyer here as it is quite large. I really enjoy this forum and the people here and plan to stay, good Lord willing.
Thank you Brett and good hunting to all.
Sincerely, Robert Smith, aka Oletrapper
President's letter:
Dear fellow sportsman,
At this juncture in my life, I would have never imagined that I would be able to hunt elk in Kentucky. Not in a million years. Today, Kentucky boasts the largest elk herd east of the Mississippi River and in all likelyhood, holds the next world record elk.
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission have awarded the N. Ky. Chapter #481 of Quail Unlimited a Bull Elk tag in recognition of QU #481’s outstanding conservation efforts. This tag is good for any zone and for any hunt in the 2011 season. This tag is good for gun or archery seasons and can be used for a bull or cow. The N. Ky. Chapter #481 of Quail Unlimited is going to raffle this elk tag to raise funds to further our conservation programs.
I realize that I have mailed this letter to several that may not hunt elk or may not be able to hunt in Kentucky, but my hope is that you could help us in our fund raising efforts by giving the flyer to a friend or posting in a business, local sporting goods store, super market or post on your website. Any help in that regard would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to participate in the raffle, simply follow the instructions on the attached flyer. Only 200 tickets are being sold and we anticipate that they will not last very long. Your purchase of a ticket is a donation to N. Ky. Quail Unlimited Chapter #481 and is tax deductible under Ky. Quail Unlimited 501-C3 status. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for our ongoing conservation efforts in Kentucky.
Sincerely, Ed Schumann, Chapter President
N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
As I mentioned in the MuleyMadness Roll Call, I have a passion for quail hunting. Your asking yourself, why is he posting in the Elk Forum about quail hunting. Well, it's really not about quail or quail hunting.
It is about what my QU Chapter is doing. We have been awarded a Bull Elk Tag in recognition for our conservation work. This tag was awarded to N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. Chapter #481 has decided to raffle the tag to raise funds to further our conservation efforts. This can be verified at
Below is a letter from the Chapter President that has been sent out all over the country to our limited contact list. Before I made this post I asked Brett if it was okay and he gave me permission to do so. If you think you might be interested and would like more information, please send me a PM or email me at
Thank you Brett and good hunting to all.
Sincerely, Robert Smith, aka Oletrapper
President's letter:
Dear fellow sportsman,
At this juncture in my life, I would have never imagined that I would be able to hunt elk in Kentucky. Not in a million years. Today, Kentucky boasts the largest elk herd east of the Mississippi River and in all likelyhood, holds the next world record elk.
The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission have awarded the N. Ky. Chapter #481 of Quail Unlimited a Bull Elk tag in recognition of QU #481’s outstanding conservation efforts. This tag is good for any zone and for any hunt in the 2011 season. This tag is good for gun or archery seasons and can be used for a bull or cow. The N. Ky. Chapter #481 of Quail Unlimited is going to raffle this elk tag to raise funds to further our conservation programs.
I realize that I have mailed this letter to several that may not hunt elk or may not be able to hunt in Kentucky, but my hope is that you could help us in our fund raising efforts by giving the flyer to a friend or posting in a business, local sporting goods store, super market or post on your website. Any help in that regard would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to participate in the raffle, simply follow the instructions on the attached flyer. Only 200 tickets are being sold and we anticipate that they will not last very long. Your purchase of a ticket is a donation to N. Ky. Quail Unlimited Chapter #481 and is tax deductible under Ky. Quail Unlimited 501-C3 status. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for our ongoing conservation efforts in Kentucky.
Sincerely, Ed Schumann, Chapter President
N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
Again, thanks to all who have helped the N. Ky. Chapter #481 QU make this a big success.
Great screen name. I used to love that show. We still have tickets left if anyone out there is interested. 1 in 200 odds sure beats the Ky Lottery draw which is 1 in 48k to 58k. Last year they drew 800 and I think that number is going to increase for this years hunt. Just now getting back online from a modem problem. Again, thanks to all. Robert Smith, aka Oletrapper
Thanks again,
Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited, aka Oletrapper
A big thank you to MuleyMadness.com 10sign: You all (Y'all where I come from) have been great!
Two emails today as a result of our post on MuleyMadness resulting in ticket sales. Good luck in the draw. The drawing will be on April 30. Tentative site is Elk Creek Vineyards and Sporting Clays, Owenton, KY. Approx. 6:PM. If that changes I will post it. There are a few tickets left. If you have been thinking about participating please don't delay. Email me at
Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter Quail Unlimited, aka Oletrapper
Our raffle is winding down and Internet sales will end on April 21. because of mail delivery time. We must receive an entry no later than April 29th. If we should happen to receive a check after the draw date, we will mark it void and return it to the entrant. There are tickets still available so if you want to participate, you need to hurry. Thanks again.
Yours in conservation,
Robert Smith, N. Ky. Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
Many thanks go out to MuleyMadness.com for allowing our post.
The winner of the raffle was Mark Tucker of Brooksville, KY. I called Mark when his ticket was pulled and he could not have been more excited. He told me he had tried for many years to save up money for a western elk hunting trip but every time he got close, something happened at home and had to use the money and he could not make the trip. Well, now he can go and not have to leave home. At least not very far from home.
Below, I have posted the financial report which was submitted to the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. Again, thanks to all who helped us make this fundraiser a great success.
Yours in conservation, Robert Smith, N. Ky Chapter #481 Quail Unlimited
2011 Bull Elk Special Commission Permit Fund Raiser
Gross Revenue $16,115.00
Advertisement $545.00
Taxidermy $600.00
Net Income $14,970.00
Projects Funded:
1. Purchase of one Demco 300 gallon pull behind sprayer, 21’ booms, PTO driven. To be stored at Lloyd WMA and administered by Clay Smitson for use in wildlife habitat projects. - $6,200.00
2. Sending youths to Camp Webb - $1,000.00
3. Seed distribution - $5,770.00
4. Jakes/Covey Day Event $2,000.00
Total Project costs - $14,970.00