Eastern Washington hunting

Hey all, I'm new to this forum, but have been loving all the photos and threads that are available. I had a quick question for anyone who hunts eastern washington. I'm new to the state and am unfamiliar with where to hunt. I just moved to spokane for my job, but spent my life hunting mulies and elk in Utah. Unfortunately for me it seems like there is alot of private property in good hunting areas in eastern washington. I'm looking to hunt public land, but feel confused as to where to start my scouting. It seems like there is some potential around Colville, in the Blue Mountains and also up in Chelan area.
In order to help anyone out there with advice, I was hoping to avoid hunting the densely forested regions west of the cascades. I love hunting draws, canyons and hillsides where I can sit and glass. I also prefer to avoid the swarms of road hunters out there, so I'm not afraid to hike a few miles and pay my dues. What are some public hunting areas that are overcrowded so I can avoid them? And what are some good locations within a 3 hour drive from Spokane? Also, as much as I love the monster mulies, I'm content bagging a 3 or 4 pointer to fill the freezer.
Any information or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Can't help ya as far as Washington goes. But just wanted to welcome you to the site. It is one of best around.
code red, welcome to MuleyMadness! As a fellow "East Washingtonian" I feel your pain...and I've hunted over here for the majority of my huntin' life (I live in Clarkston).

Sounds like you already know the deal. To get away from the crowds you have to get away from the roads. You also listed some pretty good spots too. The Okanogan area is also good muley country and if you work your tail off you can also find some decent bucks in the Selkirks (Pretty thick in there though). I usually hunt the Blues since they are right in my back yard and do what you mentioned....walk/hike in. I also use my mountain bike occasionally to get back into the trees and hills a bit. Anything to get me away from the established roads.

If ya have any more specific questions fire away. I'll be checking in regularly for the next week but will be "detained elsewhere" from the end of the month through the first part of FEB (Military obligations). I'll try to answer your questions as quickly as possible though.

Bottom line though....do your homework. Get into the hills, find spots that most folks won't hike into, and spots in acessible to ATVs. That is the key my friend!