Elk and crossbows
4/22/13 9:16pm
I have wrecked my left shoulder and arm after I had put in for my NM draw. I've drawn another archery tag for Sept. Doc says no way by then if ever on the bow. Devastating to me was born with a bow in my hand. Anyway I was wondering if a crossbow will take an elk . 100% clean kill if I do my part. I would have to use a bi-pod to hold it up. I'll eat the tag if it won't do the job,just looking for a good option for this season.
I guarantee a Xbow will kill about anything. A friend had shoulder surgery and bought an Excaliber Xbow. that thing was amazing! 350FPS and shot 2" groups at 50 yds!
"Crossbow and Bolt: Crossbow use is legal during “Any Legal Sporting Arm” hunts and
“Muzzleloader” hunts. Crossbows may be used by a certified mobility-impaired hunter during
any season. Sights on crossbows may not magnify targets or project light if used by certified
Mobility-Impaired Hunter for a archery only hunt. Bolts must have broadheads with steel
cutting edges. No drugs may be used on bolts. Bolts cannot be driven by explosives."
NM 2013 Regs page 10
"Types of Legal Sporting Arms
Any Legal Sporting Arm: Centerfire rifle or handgun; shotgun no smaller than 28 gauge, firing
a single slug; bow and arrows; crossbow and bolts; or muzzleloading rifle.
Archery Only: Any bow and arrows. Crossbow use only by certified mobility-impaired hunters.
Muzzleloader, Bows and Crossbow: Any muzzleloading rifle; bow and arrows; and crossbow
and bolts."
NM 2013 Regs page 39