Elk from the shooting bench
2/13/07 4:56pm
I was out in the back yard today testing some 7 mag loads when the elk made thier routine evening apperance,figured i would take a pic to share with you guys.This herd is somewhere around 230 head and hangs right behind my place on the BLM.Few good bulls in this herd but you would need a serious telephoto to see them,this pic was taken from the back porch.

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1ELKHERD.jpg" alt="" />

I can also see Deer and Elk from My back yard but there are some homes between the mountains and our home. I moved here from sacramento a year and a half ago and just love it. When we lived in Sacramento we had to drive at least 2 hrs to get to some good hunting. Now we have Elk 25 min , Deer and Ducks 10 min fromour home .
A view from the mountains looking back at our neighborhood.