Elk Hunting Colorado..question

I only had 10 minutes after class to look into this today so I probably shouldn t be posting this before I do my own research... but just figured if someone from CO got on here and knew off the top of there head then it wouldnt hurt to throw up a post before I started really looking into it.

But I have a deer tag for colorado during the 3rd season rifle thats good for units 41, 42, and 421 - things are leaning towards hunting in unit 421 and I remember last year we hunted near this area and saw 1 herd of elk holding a great bull in it... We didnt have time for that so we didnt even go back to town to look into it but this year id like to have a tag with me if at all possible.. so anyone know if they sell em for this unit still?

thanks all - ill be doing some looking too now :)
HH, from what the regs book says, you can purchase a over the counter bull tag for those units.
Thanks - I was accualy gettin on here to say that I discovered I cant get a tag anymore, but I appreciate the info. ill go double check.

what i did on the colorado wildlife gov. website (dont remember what your state calls it) but i clicked on hunting, then leftover tags, and all it showed was some antelope tag - so i assumed there werent any elk tags left.. but i guess ill go back right now and double check if i can get one or not, maybe make a phone call for double conformatin.

thanks for the info though
HH, You are right about not being able to get a leftover cow tag for those units but you can get a Over-the-counter Bull tag as they are unlimited for those units. Any Walmart or sporting goods store should be able to get it for you.
oh wow, thats some awesome news - i was a bit confused cause i asked my dad this morning about it and he was sayin "heck ya dont need to check it out, just buy one when we get there if we see some elk" guess the old mans got me fooled, he STILL knows more than me about the tags.. along with basically everything else as well.. dang

well thanks again hiker - i appreciate that. guess i just looked in the wrong spot
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bull tags are over the counter. Non -resident $496.00. Go for it if you have the cash!!! 4 point restriction.
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But, you have to buy it before the season starts. Once it starts, you cannot buy a tag for that season.
It must be a 4x4 or have 4 on one side or have a brow tine 5 inches.
So if you see a 3x3 with a brow tine of 5 inches its good. If you can see the tine at lets say 100 yds and it longer then the ear or it projects down past the eyes its at least 5 inches.