elk hunting pictures of past seasons
8/6/06 4:24pm
here are some elk hunting pictures from the past two seasons of my brother and myself . hope you all enjoy them .

http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i256/langniappe/Hunting%20Pictures/scan0002.jpg " alt="" />
zatarain6 2004

http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i256/langniappe/Hunting%20Pictures/scan0003.jpg " alt="" />
abert 2004

http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i256/langniappe/Hunting%20Pictures/scan0004.jpg " alt="" />
zatarain6 2005

zatarain6 2004

abert 2004

zatarain6 2005
Congrats on the sweet success though, im sure it was well earned and deserved and looks to my like whatever happened it payed its self off pretty nicely! congrats again