Elk in Colorado Douglass County Area

Anyone hear any information on Elk in the Douglass County area. I heard they have been moving down earlier than in past years.
Most of the Elk in Douglas County are resident. Are you talking about the herd that crosses Santa Fe by the Satalite Dishes, by Titan Rd.?
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seen alot of elk from the top of monument hill to castle rock , but there is alot of private land there .
zatarain6, Do you live in that area? :-k
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hiker ,
i live in colorado springs . drove to castle rock and back for two years while i was working up in castle rock . still see some elk below monument hill on the air force base , work in monument now . talked to a guy i used to work with in castle rock and he hunted that area on private land and got a good bull elk , 6 x 6 he said .
I sent you a PM.
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"zatarain6" wrote:hiker ,
i live in colorado springs . drove to castle rock and back for two years while i was working up in castle rock . still see some elk below monument hill on the air force base , work in monument now . talked to a guy i used to work with in castle rock and he hunted that area on private land and got a good bull elk , 6 x 6 he said .
we have a herd of elk here on the AF Academy, they occasionally cruise through our housing area. We also have a good number of muley bucks.
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that would be nice to have an elk heard come through your front yard , not to mention some deer also . wished i lived in a place where that could happen .
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"zatarain6" wrote:that would be nice to have an elk heard come through your front yard , not to mention some deer also . wished i lived in a place where that could happen .
this was taken on the next street over from my house.

http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/16583-1/P1010158-600-400.jpg" alt="" />
thats a cool pic wharpoley :thumb
thats awesome to see deer in your yard or right next to it