elk rut

ok heres a ? for the experts, on aug. 31 i went into my area and the bulls were going crazy, for reasons beyond my control i wasnt able to make it back up till last sat. while there i saw nothing or heard nothing, so i gave it another try tonight and saw nothing or heard nothing, you think the elk are still in there and im just not seeing/hearing them or do you think all the other bowhunters pushed them out of there, it is otc any bull extended area with not real difficult access but its a good 40 min hike into the area,

so for you utah elk experts, should i hang it up for the year or did this weather front that came in tonight with the wind etc (it was blowing real hard on top 40+mph). hold the elk tight so they werent feeding or rutting!


im thinking they got pushed out of there sometime between
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Not that i'm an "expert" by anymeans, but here's my two cents for what it's worth.
They definately don't like wind, but it shouldn't affect the actual rutting, they'd just be in the trees.
Rutting bulls will move around a lot during the rut. The cows, or the lack of, will dictate what the bulls will do and where they will be from day to day.
I just got back from guiding an elk hunter in the west desert, a place i have hunted for many years, and this year everything was differen't. We killed a big bull in a place i have never seen elk at this time of year. But sinse how the cows were there because of a hot dry summer, that's where the bulls ended up.

Don't give up yet, it's way to early for that! Just move around a bit and keep looking and listening.
Good luck 9er!! :thumb