Elk Shed
7/3/04 2:55pm
Here is my daughter Annie with a shed I found recently in CO Unit 65.
This shed is 2 seasons old so, he should be a dandy this year.

http://www.wiredsupport.biz/Images/elk-shed_2004.jpg" alt="" />
This shed is 2 seasons old so, he should be a dandy this year.

That is fine with me as long as I get the "giant king elk"!
My brother and I took my daughter out once when she was four 'cause I couldn't find a sitter. We decided to do an "easy" hike since we had the kid in tow and figured it would be a fun hike, although we didn't plan on seeing anything (Didn't matter though as long as I was with family). Well what do you know, we come across a nice 4X5 that must have been the dumbest deer in the gene pool cause he just stood there wondering if I was a hunter or weekend hiker! I dumped him and once my brother and I started dressing him out we couldn't keep my daughter out of the fun. By the time we were done she was covered in blood and hair and looked like she just got done fighting off a big cat or something. Man, my wife at the time FLIPPED when we got home but you know, my daughter was hooked!!!!! She'll finally be old enough to hunt on her own next year and she can't wait!