Elk Shed questions?

So spring break is coming up and i'm heading down to my cabin around fish lake. Hoping to look for some elk sheds but just wondering (bein as im VERY new to this) will most of the elk have dropped in this area by then? Now obviously theres no set day they all drop, or even a set week, but just wondering if some of you experts would know if the bulls in this area if there will be enough of them dropping to make it worth looking for sheds? I'll be out after em either way but just curious. Also, I barely know where to find deer or elk around here, haha, anyone got any pointers on where to start in the area?

Chances are I wont find anythign or even run into any elk, but i'm excited and cant wait to get down there and just be outa school for the week!

thanks for any and all tips.
hey just thought of something, are the elk still in or around their 'wintering grounds'? So should I look for the herds and follow them around (if I could be so lucky, i dunno where to find them) or should i look more where i guess maybe they would winter (not that i know where they winter?)

Would the DWR or BLM or anybody be helpful to talk to? Or who would I talk to about finding elk in the area, cause i'd imagine the locals wont like me comin into their territory and stealing their sheds so they probably wont be too productive to talk to, would they?

anyways, im probably ramblin on with questions no one can answer - good luck to all you other shed hunters and keep the pics rollin! It's the closest i get to seein sheds :)
Which Fish Lake.
In the Uinitas or down by Richfield?