ended our season with a bang
1/16/11 11:26pm
well we ended our deer season with a bang, actually several of them actually. I killed 2 does and 2 hogs lost one cuz my light went dead before I found it, but it couldn't have gone far from the blood trail it was leaving. May find it tomorrow. Michelle shot a doe also. turning all but the backstraps into jerky.

http://www.gofoxpro.com/foxpro_photos/albums/userpics/10002/normal_me_2_doe_and_a_hog_1-16-11.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.gofoxpro.com/foxpro_photos/albums/userpics/10002/normal_michelle_doe_1-16-11.jpg " alt="" />


1/17/11 6:08am
No kidding ended with a bang! :thumb