European Mount Antelope Question's

If all goes well, I will be doing a Euro Mount Goat this weekend. I have done several deer before, all with terrific results.
This will be my first goat though.
So..... I know you have to boil off the horns. But does the boiling water discolor the horns? If so how bad?
I know some people "paint" the horns for a more black, rich color. What do you guys use for this? and will this take care of any discoloration?
Also, any good tricks for locating the horns back to their original postion without using the hole drilling method? Also is there something better than Bondo for reattatching them?
I dont much like the idea of drilling holes in the horns.
Thank you in advance!
Snake River Marksman
I've never done it, but my understanding is that you do not want to submerge the horns. They are made up of special hairs, and submerging them in boiling water will make them come apart. That's what I was told anyway. Why not google up a taxedermy forum and ask them?
That's a good idea but those forums don't seem to get quite as much traffic.
I just figured there were some guys on here who had done it before.
Everything I have found online talks about submerging them but it does sound "iffy" to me.

Thanks for the response.
DONT submerge them. They will peel apart. Put the head and horns in a BLACK plastic bag and let it sit outside for a day or 2. The sheaths will pull off the core with alittle pulling. Or you can simmer(not boil) the skull with the water up to the sheaths, not on them. It takes some time but thats the best way to do it. (The best taxidermy site to check and learn on is you go to the forums and then down to skulls and will guide you in the right derection......measure tip to tip spread and drill a small hole in the back of the horn so you can aline it back on to the core once done.
I did all that, but I'm having a hard time getting the smell out of the sheaths. :>/
Gut.....Poar boiling water into the sheaths, and let it sit for 30sec....Then scrape the film out of the inside of the sheaths. Once you got that done. pack the inside of the sheaths with BORAX. Let them sit for a week. Empty the borax rinse and repack with borax. Its a slow process but it works. I have done them all that way and it will take the smell out of the sheaths. You can also wash the outside of the sheaths with dawn dish soap, and a toothbrush. Dont put them in a ziplock bag ....I did that once, only once. The condensation can rot the sheaths.....WHAT A SMELL......I leave mine out on a table packed with borax.

I hope this helps.
"northern" wrote:Gut.....Poar boiling water into the sheaths, and let it sit for 30sec....Then scrape the film out of the inside of the sheaths. Once you got that done. pack the inside of the sheaths with BORAX. Let them sit for a week. Empty the borax rinse and repack with borax. Its a slow process but it works. I have done them all that way and it will take the smell out of the sheaths. You can also wash the outside of the sheaths with dawn dish soap, and a toothbrush. Dont put them in a ziplock bag ....I did that once, only once. The condensation can rot the sheaths.....WHAT A SMELL......I leave mine out on a table packed with borax.

I hope this helps.
Thanks Northern, I'll try that. I left them in borax for 3 days and didn't help much, but I'll do what you said. Someone told me Bleach too, but doesn't seem right to me for some reason.