European mount suggestions

I'm looking for some ideas for mounting this guy on my wall. He's not real big, but he's my first deer. I could just nail him to a board but I know there are some cool kits out there that would look nicer. If you have anything you've done yourself or you know of something that's cool I'd like to know about it. Thanks.
nuttinbutchunks, nice euro job on the skull. Looks good!

There are a few different ways of placing the skull on a board or plaque. I'll post a pic of my 2007 deer and an antelope I did. You can do a wall mount or desk mount plaque like the antelope fairly easily. The antelope base was done way cheap and in only a few hours.

Others here on MM have posted up some nice euro mounts so maybe search the archives for related posts.
Mule Deer Wall Mount - Euro
Mule Deer Wall Mount - Euro
Antelope Pedestal Mount - Euro
Antelope Pedestal Mount - Euro
I like to find a peice of old barn wood to mount them on but I really like wilecoyote76 shed antler mount. Looks great.
How did you do it??
"AntlersOutWest" wrote:I like to find a peice of old barn wood to mount them on but I really like wilecoyote76 shed antler mount. Looks great.
How did you do it??
Yeah, that does look awesome. That's what I mean about ideas. I would have never thought of that.
Tree Killer
The skull on the shed antler looks really sharp, good idea! :thumb
I looked around the Web and found this outfit.

I like the idea of inserting a pic right on it. I like the shed idea too but I don't have any sheds. lol
This is what I sound up doing with that skull.