every person who killed a wolf in montana[list]

can you believe this? an anti hunters list that names ever hunter who killed a wolf. i have a buddy who is happily on it!

what a bunch of idiots! i couldn't help but making a post myself......... :thumb
That is ridiculous! At least now I know exactly whose hands I need to shake if I ever meet any of these guys!
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I couldn't help but post a reply myself too lol :)) :thumb
i seen i was already " waiting to be moderated"............................
I posted my 2 cents will see if they make it
Would be easy to make a blog that is POLAR opposite of this one. :) Who is going to do it?
if i new how.........
I am curious to see if the moderators will post my comments. :thumb
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Well I read through all the comments, yes my blood pressure is up. I only saw 2 posts that were remotly against the grain of the board. Neither of them looked to be from people on this board unless you used a different screen name.

Either way that site is rediculous. They openly say that some posts are deleted. Bye Bye first ammendment.
Every web forum has mods that delete posts they dont agree with,these liberal antihunters arnt going to let you defend our right to hunt or explain the idiotic wolf reintroduction program in any light that doesnt reinforce thier agenda. =;
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Would be easy to make a blog that is POLAR opposite of this one. :) Who is going to do it?
If someone can point me in the right direction, I could possibly get it started. If someone else has the time to start it and there is a cost involved, let me know and I'd be willing to kick in for that too.
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I just grabbed the name "Howling for Justice"on facebook and started a group. I set it up as a closed group so anyone interested will have to be approved. This way they won't be able to comment at all. At least it's something to get the ball rolling. Just do a search on Facebook and it should point you to it.
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"jerseyelknut" wrote:I just grabbed the name "Howling for Justice"on facebook and started a group. I set it up as a closed group so anyone interested will have to be approved. This way they won't be able to comment at all. At least it's something to get the ball rolling. Just do a search on Facebook and it should point you to it.
I applied. Please accept me.
I applied too :thumb
I can't even read this crap! I got through about 6 comments and had to close the web site b/c I started to get ticked off! These people are so unbelievably closed-minded it's ridiculous.....

Good post, but I have to stay away from the liberal gibberish or I get too wound up...
"jerseyelknut" wrote:I just grabbed the name "Howling for Justice"on facebook and started a group. I set it up as a closed group so anyone interested will have to be approved. This way they won't be able to comment at all. At least it's something to get the ball rolling. Just do a search on Facebook and it should point you to it.
i'll have to check it out through my wifes facebook. i dont have one myself
I hope some more of you muley members post your 2 cents about wolves on here and the facebook blog for hunters "howling for justice" :thumb
The Ox
"jerseyelknut" wrote:I just grabbed the name "Howling for Justice"on facebook and started a group. I set it up as a closed group so anyone interested will have to be approved. This way they won't be able to comment at all. At least it's something to get the ball rolling. Just do a search on Facebook and it should point you to it.
haha nice job they have written about it on that website ! pretty funny! i added it by the way!

i also read some people comments on the wolf killing site and they wanna ban idaho products like potatoes because the f&g allows wolf hunting. how childish and ridiculous is that! potatoes have nothing to do with hunting. i just cant help but laugh at these people! this stuff makes for a funny read!
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How about starting a site called 'Bugling for Justice'? A site or Facebook page for protecting Elk from wolves..
I just got more and more pissed as I read. I can't got back to that site ever again for fear of exploding!
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Where do these people get the impression that they can push their belief system on others? You don't see us putting a weapon in their hands and forcing them to hunt. Being from one of the granola crunching capitols of the USA I've had many discussions with anti hunters. The first thing I ask them is if they're vegetarians. If they are, then I am more than willing to listen to their point of view. I can actually understand it sometimes, I don't have to agree with it, but I can understand.

My brother's girlfriend, he's not a hunter, used to chastise us for hunting. The whole while eating burgers and what not. When she finally started to look at the facts of how 70% of the funding for wildlife conservation (that she is for) in the state comes from hunters and fisherman, and many of those projects are built by volunteers from hunting and fishing organizations, she became a vegetarian...UNLESS it was a wild animal. She loves the deer, grouse, and ducks we got this year, she even had the liver and onions with us. Unfortunately most of the anti's aren't as clear headed.

I'm willing to bet that 80% of the posters on that site eat bacon, burgers, chicken, fish and all that good stuff.

*EDIT* Not the most clearly worded post but these people really get me steamed.
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Hmmm i just read through all the comments and it was the dumbest thing ive ever heard! They have no idea what they are talking about and that provesb it. espiacially the "we dont respect animals" part.
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I loved it.. i will be looking for this howling for justice count me in.. I want to meet one of them tree hungin basta@#$%# one day.. makes me laugh