Extended Archery-Unsuccessful

Me and tsum went up on the Wasatch Front Friday the 27th and Today the 28th and we had a great time and lots of fun memories! Friday we saw lots of deer a total of 7 or 8 bucks and 20+ does, but couldn't get a shot off on ANY of the bucks :>/ But it was way fun, made a couple of stalks but ended up unsuccessful. Today we went up again hoping to find some more deer but today was a bust! The deer weren't moving at all! We only saw 4 does, and a Fox, and it was FREEZING! But we still had a ton of Fun! I got a few pics today but only does no bucks :>/ I wish I could of got some pictures of those bucks but my battery ran out before I could get one.

Yesterday my son and I went up on the front and saw a herd of deer run from a coyote, then saw us and ran from us. I marched my kid up a mountain and back down and we saw the most deer down below. Ya know how you're tempted to shoot a deer in someone's front yard across the street from where you plan on parking your truck instead of marching up the mountain. #-o
Yesterday was one of those days. lol
Ya that was the opposite for us, we only saw deer up at the top. Ya the fox was pretty cool to see. Where do you park? We had to park down in the neighborhood, cause we couldn't find a place Friday, but Saturday we did.
That sure was fun going up and down that mountain bc. I wish we could of started hunting that a lot earlier. :thumb
Ya I just talked to a neighbor about the Front and he told me a spot to go, we might have to try it he said he'd take me up there one of these times!
l went out on Wednesday and Saturday and saw two great bucks in relatively the same spot both days. l couldnt get close to either of them as their were too many does around. Every time l moved they pegged me. They were both up high, in the snow. The first day l spotted the biggest of the two bedded under a tree in the snow. He spent the majority of the day there until the does went haywire.

That is the first time l have hunted the Wasatch front and l have a new respect for those mountains. Man they are big and steep and kicked my butt. l had a great time, just didnt get any shots.
Philly- Where you with another guy coming down the mountain on Saturday at about 11:00 am ish? We might have seen you Saturday.
No... at 11am we were heading up the hill after a 3 point with a bum front leg.
l did see a ton of hunters on Saturday.. mostly in the foothills
Oh ya we saw a ton of hunters on Friday and only those two on Saturday but there was like 10 guys driving the same road and the bottom of the mountain all morning and afternoon just hoping to scratch something out!
Yeah where l was at there was no road, which is a good thing.

l saw everyone from the spotting scope down in the foothills, no one was up high. l loved the fact that l was the only up there and didnt feel rushed at all. :thumb
Same thing I saw on the Front a couple weeks ago, Guys driving the same road over and over. I felt like the entire place was mine only a couple canyons off the road and High. Didn't get the shot I wanted but spotted several good bucks. What a fun place to hunt.
the front sucks! steep, rough, no rifle hunters, and I couldn't find a buck over 40" I also couldn't find a buck after September thru end of October.
I hunted and scouted way over 20 days this year and I still never did get a shot at my 33"+ monster lol The good news is nobody else did either. =D>

I must say it was fun and I wouldn't have had it any other way. O and my killing spree is finally over. 6 years and 6 bucks! this year I spent more time scouting then shooting so it shouldn't have been a surprise to me when I missed not once but twice! ](*,)
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The wife and I went to hunt over the Thanksgiving holidays. Saw one monster bumping does on the Wasatch Front then we pulled camp and went to Vernal (Unita Basin) and saw lots of does and small bucks. I shot and missed one small buck the last day. The string slapped my sleeve. Man it was cold! We love our little woodstove in the tent! We may be getting too old for camping in the winter. Naw! We had a ball.:thumb
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Way to go Mark, you are hard core. I had a chance at a three point on the Wasatch the day after Thanksgiving, but unfortunately he came out directly to me where I had no cover. He got to 30 yards and I raised my bow and he nailed me. Off he bounded... It was fun to see so many more bucks down low. But sadly now it's over, at least for me, I have no interest in killing a doe.

And oh yeah....Merry Christmas to everyone... :santa wink
So you can't Rifle hunt up there? what about muzzleloader?
It's archery only south of I-80 in Salt Lake County. The rest of the Wasatch Front North to Brigham City (I think) has rifle and muzzleloader seasons but an extended archery hunt after the rifle season is over through the end of Nov.
"bc.pse" wrote:So you can't Rifle hunt up there? what about muzzleloader?
Last year we saw a guy hunting moose with a muzzleloader in Cottonwood Canyon. But not deer.