Extended Archery-Unsuccessful
11/28/09 6:00pm
Me and tsum went up on the Wasatch Front Friday the 27th and Today the 28th and we had a great time and lots of fun memories! Friday we saw lots of deer a total of 7 or 8 bucks and 20+ does, but couldn't get a shot off on ANY of the bucks :>/ But it was way fun, made a couple of stalks but ended up unsuccessful. Today we went up again hoping to find some more deer but today was a bust! The deer weren't moving at all! We only saw 4 does, and a Fox, and it was FREEZING! But we still had a ton of Fun! I got a few pics today but only does no bucks :>/ I wish I could of got some pictures of those bucks but my battery ran out before I could get one.
Yesterday was one of those days. lol
That is the first time l have hunted the Wasatch front and l have a new respect for those mountains. Man they are big and steep and kicked my butt. l had a great time, just didnt get any shots.
l did see a ton of hunters on Saturday.. mostly in the foothills
l saw everyone from the spotting scope down in the foothills, no one was up high. l loved the fact that l was the only up there and didnt feel rushed at all. :thumb
I hunted and scouted way over 20 days this year and I still never did get a shot at my 33"+ monster lol The good news is nobody else did either. =D>
I must say it was fun and I wouldn't have had it any other way. O and my killing spree is finally over. 6 years and 6 bucks! this year I spent more time scouting then shooting so it shouldn't have been a surprise to me when I missed not once but twice! ](*,)
And oh yeah....Merry Christmas to everyone... :santa wink