Hello, My name is Angie Haas-Tennison. I just recently found out that I am one of the top 10 finalist for a national contest to find the most Die Hard Female Hunter, called the "Extreme Huntress Contest". at www. tahoefilms.com. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of women that entered I was lucky enough to be selected into the finals. Now I need to recieve the most online votes in order to win. Please go to the website or google "extreme Huntress contest" and you will see the link to the voting page. Here is a little info about myself.... I was born and raised in Northwestern Montana. I have spend my entire life in the outdoors. I was hunting with my Dad while I was still in diapers. I have never missed a hunting season and pray I never will. I Live to Hunt. I hunt independantly and am not afraid of a challenge. I have 2 young children and am raising them to love and respect the outdoors as much as I do. I not only rifle hunt, but I am an avid archery hunter also. The Contest winner will recieve a Red Stag hunt in New Zealand that will be filmed for an episode of Primal Adventures tv show. This contest would allow me the opportunty to experience a hunt that would not be possible for me to financially afford on my own. It would be a dream come true. Please Go online and vote for me. I appreciate everyones help and support!
ANGIE HAAS-TENNISON www.tahoefilms.com
Best of luck, I had already cast my vote. But you certainly seem deserving. :thumb
Ya, I voted already too, for Marissa Oaks. She is a Utah Girl. Got to take care of my Utah girls. lol They are all deserving like you said. It's an honor just to be picked.
Geez those girls have game, My votes In