Face Camo?
8/12/12 11:09pm
So I've used a mesh face mask in the past. I have lost it. I'm wondering about replacing it or going with face paint. Maybe both. What do you guys think of face paint? Those of you who have used it. We'll be backpacking in. Is it worth the clean up? Too messy? What are your thoughts?
#1, I want to put it on in the morning and absolutely not worry about it again till I'm done hunting.
#2 it's easy to get off,I always have baby wipes with me for when nature calls, and it works great on face paint also
#3, nothing gets you going better than listening to FRED BEAR , by TED NUGENT, while painting your face in the morning!
BUT in all reality, neither one is a must if you move when you should and sit when you shouldn't move
I think I'd go with the paint and some baby wipes.
As for a beard, I'd prefer that, but I have to shave everyday for my job and there just isn't time to sufficiently grow it out. i wish.
Bandana has no clean up as opposed to face paint. Face paint sticks to my clothes and everything it touches. The stuff I tried does anyway