Family trip to fishlake.

The family went down to fishlake last week. We were there from Monday to Thursday. The Weather was awsome, the fishing was awsome, but the catching sucked, it was very slow. But we were targeting the big boys (lake trout). If we wanted to catch alot of rainbows we could have put on a pop gear and worm and done quite well. People that were useing pop gear and worms were doing well. The biggest laker I caught was a 3 lb pup. Fun to catch but I wanted to catch his great great grandpa. Any how, here are a few pics from the trip.
finally doing something the lodge
fishing chubs
kids playing in a creek
dad with a nice brown
Nice photos, sounds like fun.
Great pics Jared. Wheres the pics of the new baby though? lol
Nice report we just got back from there we was there from friday till today and fishing was ok give it a few more weeks and the big boys will be there feeding deep again my wife got a 8 pound and a 10 pound mack and we all caught bows splake and a MILLLION perch
I'm just curious...why is everyone else wading in creeks with no shoes, pants rolled up, sunnying themselves on the rocks, just enjoys the warmth of the sun and whatnot are still wearing your winter gear?!?

Wouldn't have something to do with old age now, would it? lol
lol lol Yea I figured some one might say that. That is actualy my dad. And the pic was earlier in the morning. The mornings were down in the low 50's. And that is just a bit on the cool side, then the highs in the afternoon were in the 80's...

That lake is one of my favorite places in the state.