Fantastic news for MT!

Just came across this news story and I must say I'm a bit surprised to find out the governor is a democrat!

And in case the story gets dropped by PETA/tree huggers/etc.:

By MATTHEW BROWN, Associated Press Matthew Brown, Associated Press – Wed Feb 16, 6:09 pm ET
BILLINGS, Mont. – Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer says the state will defy federal protections for gray wolves and kill packs that have been hurting elk herds.

Schweitzer also told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he is encouraging livestock owners north of Interstate 90 to shoot wolves that harass their animals. He says state game wardens would stop investigating wolf shootings in that part of the state.

Livestock owners in southern Montana already have authority to shoot wolves that harass their animals.

The Democratic governor says he is fed up with years of litigation that have kept wolves on the endangered species list even as their population has grown to more than 1,700 across the Northern Rockies.
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A dem yes,A take no s%it from anyone trying to mess with hunters and hunting rights dem though. :tz There are going to be lots of wolves with .22 caliber belly aches now that people dont have to worry about being prosecuted.
Snake River Marksman
Oh, they still have to worry about prosecution, just not about the STATE investigating the shootings. US Fish and Wildlife is still responsible for the actual enforcement. The chances of getting caught just went down by a whole bunch though. Shoot, Shovel, and never, not ever, mention it to ANYONE.
+1 :thumb
Yeah Schweitzer finally stood up for MT.
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We need a lot more people like Gov. Brian Schweitzer!! Good job!
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Since we have about 4 fed wardens in the whole state is going to be hard for them to prosecute anything unless they see it happen