Fantasy Football
8/5/08 10:09am
anyone interested in playing? if we can get enough interest lets get a league put together and battle it out!!!
So if 4 more want to play please let me know ASAP
any questions guys about anything with the league let me know
9er is signed up
Colorado Buck is signed up
so far we have TGWH, 9er, JBird, Killer Bee, Colorado Buck, BIg Buck 92, Life time Hunter, High Lander,
OK WE ARE FULL just waiting on some people to get to the computer and sign up and name their teams still.
Lifetime hunter & ID Hunter still waiting for your email to send ya a invite link if you still want to play,
Colorado Buck, Highlander, Jbird, Killer Bee, Hiker,
Sent you all invites please follow the link sign up name youre team.
Would like to wrap this up in the next few days and then we can set a date and time for the online draft.
Any questions PM me
and 8:15pm for Killer Bee in Oregon
thanks again GWH for your work to get this going
"with the first pick in the draft, KILLERBEE selects.............. LT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoo hoooo :))
Sorry but we already had the draft and first game is Sunday September 7th 2008
good luck 4c to everyone who decided to play this year.