Farmington canyon any good?
10/8/08 11:37am
I'm headed up Farmington canyon (Davis county, UT) on Saturday with a co-worker to see if we can get him on a bull. I have never hunted the area and am just wondering if anybody is having any luck up that way. I'm not asking for exact locations, just wondering if there are any animals up there or if we are putting ourselves on a wild goose chase. I was up there a few times in the spring and saw a few deer, but didn't see any elk. Any help would be much appreciated.

one hunting fool
10/8/08 11:54am
its good for falling and breaking your leg. good luck

10/8/08 12:06pm

one hunting fool
10/8/08 3:45pm
Talked to a hunter that said there may be a herd there but it isn't big. hell give it a try

10/8/08 7:20pm
yeah, kinda figured if there were any up there there wouldn't be very many.