Father Kills Teen Son In Hunting Accident

For those gobbler hunters out there, please be careful. Every season it seems like there is at least one incident similar to this one.


WHEELOCK, Vt. -- Vermont State Police said a Lyndon Center teenager was killed early Friday morning in a hunting-related shooting.

Police said the shooting took place at 7206 South Wheelock Road around 6 a.m. Friday.

Authorities said when they arrived at the scene they found Jacob Kadamus, 17, suffering from a gunshot wound and his father Kevin Kadamus, 45, trying to render aid.

CPR and rescue efforts were undertaken, but Jacob died at the scene due to his injuries, according to State Police.

State Police said preliminary investigation has shown that both Jacob and Kevin Kadamus were hunting turkeys on the property when Kevin discharged his shotgun at what he believed to be a turkey. Police said he struck Jacob.

Preliminary investigation revealed that Jacob had left his original hunting area which was separate from Kevin's area, and crossed into Kevin's hunting area.

Authorities are continuing their investigation, and the case will be reviewed by the Caledonia County State's Attorney.

No charges have been filed at this time.
It seems like I hear about a lot of stories of people who shoot at noises or movements without even identifying anything first, and I've always been skeptical that it actually happens. I always think, well thats probably an exaggeration of what really happened, etc.. But in this report it seems like that is exactly the case, and I can't even describe how ridiculous that is!! And how much that ticks me off that people truly do fire without identifying targets, especially to the extent of making the mistake of a human for a turkey! (your own son who you could recognize anywhere, no less). This shows extreme carelessness, and all in all, as much as it bothers me, I can't help but feel extremely sorry for the dad. I can't even begin to fathom what this must put him through, regardless of it being his fault. That's a very sad deal, I'm sorry to hear about this.
This somewhat same scenario happened to me the first and LAST time I went turkey hunting. I was huddled down under a tree using my call. Heard what I thought was a turkey answering my call and getting closer. Turns out it was another hunter following my call. I sat as still as I could and waited for the other hunter to clear the area and then beat feet out of there.

Haven't hunted turkey since and see no need to in the future.

I do feel for the dad in this situation. I can't imagine what he is going through and send my prayers to him and the family.
Sad deal, but still can't understand how you take that shot not knowing for certain. :-k
I have to agree with the above posts. It is a sad deal and i dont know how a person could go the rest of their life knowing they killed their son. I also dont know how someone can shoot at something without knowing exactly what it is they are pulling the trigger on. Such a tragic situation that so easily could have been prevented. I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." In this case it would have been worth so much more.
that really is a bad deal. i have heard that there are more accidents like this in turkey hunting than anything else. but i dont see how. surley it has to "look" like a tom turkey before you puul the trigger, a persone in no way can look like a turkey. some people should not be in the woods IMO.
a parents worse nightmare...
I agree with everyone else on this post. I just wonder about one thing. Did the son have a decoy with him? That is honestly the only way I could see the mistaking a camo coverd kid with a turkey.