fathers day gifts

what is everyone getting the "old man"?
what is everyone hoping for?

i need some ideas

a knife
I just picked my self (love them kind of gifts) a pair of Vortex Viper 10x42 binos. Happy fathersday / birthday to me. :thumb :thumb :thumb
I just got a ps3 and a new jetcraft boat....................this is turning into a great day
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I know two fathers that are getting Skull Krazy mounts for fathersday today, cuz i been working on them since friday getting them done for today.

I'd sure like to see the looks on their faces when their sons surprise them with them!!
"skull krazy" wrote:I know two fathers that are getting Skull Krazy mounts for fathersday today, cuz i been working on them since friday getting them done for today.

I'd sure like to see the looks on their faces when their sons surprise them with them!!
DANG, thats what i should have done!! ](*,) other than im pretty sure he would notice that some of his sheds are missing. that is a great idea for next year

this year he is gonna be getting some MTO50

one hunting fool
Well I won again. I am starting to feel a little guilty winning every year but, I took the trophy for "Worlds Greatest Dad" again this year it came with a T shirt and a mug. This is three years in a row last year the trophy was a fridge magnet and a keychain along with a Cabelas handy tool (that one did not bare the competition logo, maybe there would be copy write infringement or something being Cabelas) the year before it was a hat and a card. I feel honored that my 10 year old puts me in every year. And of course I win ….. again. It’s a little embarrassing…