Favorite Bullet and Load
5/28/09 7:54am
Since the Nosler Failure post has been going on for so long I was kind of curious to find out everyones favorite bullet and load to hunt with.
I used to hunt Muleys with my .243 with 100 grain remington core locks for 5 years. Never wounded or lost a deer with that load. In 2003 I bought my Browning A-bolt chambered in 300 wsm. I now hunt with the federal vital shock bullets 165 grain for deer and 180 grain for elk. They are topped with the barnes TSX bullets and are amazingly acuurate. I have been able to take two Muleys and one elk so far with it and haven't had a single problem. Great factory ammunition IMO. :thumb
I used to hunt Muleys with my .243 with 100 grain remington core locks for 5 years. Never wounded or lost a deer with that load. In 2003 I bought my Browning A-bolt chambered in 300 wsm. I now hunt with the federal vital shock bullets 165 grain for deer and 180 grain for elk. They are topped with the barnes TSX bullets and are amazingly acuurate. I have been able to take two Muleys and one elk so far with it and haven't had a single problem. Great factory ammunition IMO. :thumb
For deer and antelope
In the 270 I reload Hornady Interbonds 130 grain bullets with IMR4350 and also use Barnes Tipped Triple shocks 130 grain bullets also loaded with IMR 4350.
130 gr. Nosler Accubond, 61gr. IMR4350, approx. 3300 fps.
150 gr. Nosler Accubond, 59 gr. IMR4831 - approx. 3100 fps.
groups were in the 1.5" range and terminal performance were devastating.
now i started reloading this winter and i use 168 gr. barnes ttsx
my groups shrank to .5" but i cannot tell it's my favorite hunting load as so far i only shot paper
with it. i load them to 3150 fps so it fit my stadia line on my burris ballistic plex.
In my 270 wsm my rifle likes 65 grains of RL22 with either 130 grain swift sciroccos or 130 tsx's.
In my pre 64 270 I use H4350 with 130 tsx's
I better stop here.
Have just enough IMR 4350 to load up some 100 gr Partitions for my 243. Going to use on deer this fall.
coal 3.650". this load turn our rifles into .5" shooters.
should see pretty soon how it works on game. lol
+1 on all of the above
i will load my wife's 20" barrel 260 rem. with 120 ballistic tip cause the 140 corelokt @ 2550 fps
do not expand enough (small wound channel)