Favorite Rifle?
#1DEER 1-I
6/27/08 7:02pm
In your life what Rifle have you liked when you used it the most? It doesn't matter new or old what was your favorite?
I have killed two cow elk with it
then my .357 pistol
Cant forget my trusty pot-gut killer the almighty Cricket .22
Right now I am loving my :-$ Weatherby Vanguard 7mm. Rem.Mag. with a 3-9X40 Ballistic Plex Burris Fullfield II . First 7mm. I ever shot/owned. Love it. First day at the range I put up a 4 rd. group inside a quarter from 200 yds. shooting Winchester Silvertips 150gr. Couldn't believe it, from a sub $500.00 rifle I bought at Wal-Mart (???)
Who would have thought?
1. Remington Action Remington 700 Short Action 308 Winchester Bolt Face Steel Blue
2. Shilen stainless steel match grade barrel.
3. H&S Precision PST025 Pro Series 2000 tactical stock. Extra swivel stud, Vertical Grip adjust LOP, Adjustable butt plate.
4. Harris Bi-pod 6”-9”
5. Jewel Trigger Remington 700. Adjustable from 1 ½ oz to 4 lb pull. Currently set at ¾ of lb.
6. Burris Xtreme Tactical 2 piece base
7. 34 mm scope rings estimated price
8. Schmidt & Bender PM II LP 5-25 X 56 scope.
9. Digital Desert Dura Coat finish on scope and rifle.
This rifle key holes every shot out to 200 yards.... I love it!
He passed away in 2003. We buried him 5 years ago yesterday. Every animal I take with this gun is dedicated to him and I look to the sky and thank him because if it were not for him I would not be such an avid outdoorsman and rifleman.
Thanks Dad!
Rem Mod 700 .280
Bell and Carlson Kevlar Synthetic stock w/v-frame(glass bedded just for fun)
Free Floating barrell
Lugs are lapped and that action is SMOOTH
3lb Trigger
2x10 Simmons Whitetail Classic(nothin special) but haven't missed yet in 14 years no need for a new one.
Shoots Fed Premium 140gr TSX @ 3/4 in MOA
Even the safety has been worked on and is light and smooth!
Not bad for factory ammo in a DEER rifle!
For small game I love to shoot my Remington 66 .22 that I got for Christmas when I was 11. There's not many of them around and it's a little unique as the stock is nylon and the rounds are fed into a tube in the butt of the rifle. It's light and a lot of fun to shoot.
1) Remington 600 in 6mm...short, swings great, shoots soo well..pops excedrin bottes at 200 yards
2) Remington 700 mountain rifle in .280...has the better ballistics then the .270 without the shoulder punch of a 7mm
3) Tikka M695 in .338...there isnt ANYTHING I cant bring down with this heavy-hitter
2) Remington 700 mountain rifle in .280...has the better ballistics then the .270 without the shoulder punch of a 7mm
Here is the spec List...
300 RUM from APS
28" Broughton Barrel and PainKiller Muzzle Brake from APS
Borden Timberline Action
Seekins 20 MOA Rail
McMillan A-3 Stock, Adj. Cheek-piece
Shilen Trigger set at 1.75 Lbs
Leupold Scope: Vari-X III 6.5 X 20 X 50
w/Target Elevation and Windage Knobs
Also use Exbal on Pocket PC
(W/ Paper Copy in field)
Kestrel 3500 Wind Meter
Garmin E-Trex GPS
Kirby personally shoots every rifle he builds, and will not let it out of the Door unless it shoots
1/2 MOA @ 100 Yards with ammo he loads. I asked him how it shot and He stated he put 5 shots
inside 2.5 Inches @ 700 yards!! (Using Heavy Steel Gongs as Targets) I am Hoping to be able to
reproduce similar results with the Load Data He's providing me.
In the meantime I am using a Factory Howa 1500, 7mm Rem Mag. with a self done Trigger Job
set at 2.5Lbs, and a simple Bedding Job on the Stock. An Old Leupold Vari-X II 6 X 18 X 40 w/ Target Knobs is the Rifle I Hunt With. It Hits the 12" X 12" Steel Gong 500 to 1000 yards regularly, from the bench and Field Positions.
I'm learning to shoot these distances from sites like
Yes the 243 is big enough i know a few younger hunters that use them
I like all my guns though.
My favorite rifle however is a Remy 700 Classic in 30-06 with a Leup 3.5 x 10 Vari XIII.
My uncle (Sam) made me a fan of the 30-06, in the M-1 Garand.
New Favorite
257 WTBY MK V Ultralight and 4.5X14 Leupold.
I have several old rifles in there to but when it comes down to it I grab the WTBY and go....
#2 Ruger M77,7 mag I only shoot this when I feel like having a sore shoulder lol
It's good for deer, big enough for elk and great for making the long shot's here in Utah. It's also not terrible heavy on long hikes.
I have always loved Ruger #1B's from the day they came out. From their classic looks to the implications that having one shot means, I cannot say enough about them. I have two Ruger #1B's and I love them to death. The 30-06 has taken black bear, coyotes, elk, antelope, mule deer, white-tails, and gophers. My 6mm has taken the same list of animals except for black bear. I shot one spike bull with it at 30 yards right through the front shoulder. He was angled slightly, and the bullet went through his chest and angled out his neck on the opposite side. He staggered two steps and was dead on his feet, but I put one more in him in the neck. He dropped on the spot. I shot him twice because I was on a thick steep slope and I had to take him up to the top about 1/3 of a mile and I didn't want him going down any further than he was.
Okay, I also love Ruger's new Hawkeye model of their Model 77,and I have owned (wish I still did) a Remington Model 700 Mountain Rifle in .280 Remington.
on top to help my old eyes. It's a natural born killer. :thumb
:thumb The .338 Lapua is one awesome cartridge with some awesome accuracy at long range. :not-worthy
#2 winchester M70 in .300 win mag
Weatherby MKV deluxe in 270wm. It is topped with a Leupold 3 x 9 vari x3 and I shoot 140gr Nosler Ballistic tips 1/2 groups at 100yds.
"Nice Rack" Taxidermy
:) tsum
I bought her two years ago and my Weatherby 300 win mag has not left the safe. Why should it?
:not-worthy 140 grain Nosler Partitions at 2900 fps. Favorite medicine for both Muleys and Elk.
Love her to death.
seems weird but all the cheapest guns i own seem to be my favorites. maybe its because i use them more and keep the better ones in hiding. but my other fav rifle is my savage 223 love it!
Still have every rifle I ever purchased. They are like family. I can't give any of them up.
But the really cool thing is that when I tell folks it's a .35 Rem, their faces scrunch up just like yours did when you read this. lol
My Remmy LSS 7mm-08, stoked with Federal Fusion 140 grainers.
I use it for everything.
Deer, Elk, Antelope, Cougar, Black Bear, Hogs and one Buffalo.
I may go for the 300 ultra next though.
For elk - 300 win mag. and 7 mm
My favorite deer rifle is my Browning A-Bolt in .243WSSM. It hasn't let me down yet!
44 Mag, 788 Remington a sweet shooter-superbly accurate due to trigger/lock time!
670 Win in 300 Win mag - deadly accurate to 400 yds plus
30-30 model 94 carbine light and handy
32 Win special Rifle Marlin lever octo barrel - a super great offhand shooter
Several 300 Wea mags, in Weatherby Deluxe, mark 5 all superb 500 yd shooters, but like the 670 above it abounds in recoil! #-o
Ruger 77s in 270, and 280 all great in the earlier days with iron sights but now don't buy as iron sights are a necessity!
Rem 700 BDLs --all lefties and great with the shorter barrel, iron sights and in 270, & 06.
Model 39A marlins--one of the great 22s and a weight, balance match for my BLRs.
Browning BLRs - 243, 257, 308 and now have my eye on a 7mm08!! Super rifle, light handy, accurate, no complaints except for trigger pull. :thumb
Now I just own a few, the last Marlin 39A I bought is still my go to squirrel and rabbit rifle.
I also own a Browning Stainless Stalker, 22 in barrel in 270 w/a yucky syn stock for bad weather.
And my favorite a lefty Steyr-Mannlicher model M in 30-06. My dream rifle is a carbine, a Mannlicher, full stocked, in 6.5x55 or 7x57, left handed and preferrably a Schoenauer as the Steyrs went el-cheapo :>/ and use a plastic floor plate and trigger guard along with a plastic magazine. Too bad they won't believe me when I tell them go back to the metal parts, add a few ounces weight and sell dozens for every one they sell now!!! :thumb Reminds me of when Winchester, in the early 70s pulled the boner of all time and went to a pot metal feed lever in their model 94s, saving a few cents and effectively killing it's sales from where it was selling more of them than all other high powered rifles combined to way down the list on total sales. (In short it sounded funny when you jacked a shell in and folks knew pot metal is prone to breakage)
In short my favorite would be a full stocked Mannlicher carbine, a lefty, all metal, with some engraving, hand checkered hard wood stock, with iron sights and a medium powered scope such as a Redfield 3x9 and in 257 Roberts, 6.5x55mm, 7x57mm, ..308, or 7mm-08! 10sign:
my favorite hunting rifle is a weatherby vanguard in 25-06 with a vortex diamondback 4-12x40 in a hogue stock puts 100gr tsx handloads 1/2"@100. havent used it for deer yet but have taken several coyotes and harvested my fair share of paper and 2 litre bottles :thumb