Favorite Rifle?

In your life what Rifle have you liked when you used it the most? It doesn't matter new or old what was your favorite?
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My 257 roberts since its the only gun i have lol
I have killed two cow elk with it
My favorite rifle that I own is a Remington model 700 SS Bdl right now I have it topped with a Zeiss 4.5-14x44 scope and put a Laminate thumbhole stock on it. I have taken a lot animals with it and strictly reload for it. :333
All of em! :thumb
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My favorite rifle for big game is my 300 win mag hands down :thumb and for small game and varmants a would prefer my 223.
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I've had many rifles I could call favorite but one always sticks out in my mind. Rem 660 in 308 win w/2 3/4x Redfield widefield and 4 plex cch scope. An old Ruger M77, tang safty, in 7x57 with a 4x Redfield widefield w/4 plex cch would run a close second. The old ruger is gone to hard times and the Rem 660 lives with my son. Now I have a Win Mod 70 Featherweight in 6.5x55 with a 1-4x Redfield that just seems to fit right.
Don those Redfield wide views were great were they not. Wish they still made them.
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Don't know if it's true or mot but, I hrard that leupold bought out the rights to redfield. maybe we will see it back. Also would love to see the 4 plex CCH crosswires back.
Heard the same uncertain rumor would be nice if they did
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7mm all the way with a leupold scope and 150 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips.
My favorite is my Tikka .280
then my .357 pistol

Cant forget my trusty pot-gut killer the almighty Cricket .22
For sentimental reason I would have to say my Win Mod 94 in .32 Win Special, hands down. I have taken a few deer with it and it is still my timber gun to this day. The rifle I've taken the most critters with is an old pre-64 Win Mod 70 in .270. It has been semi-retired as my backup to a Rem 700 in .270. New scopes on the two .270s that I haven't hunted with and iron sights on the .32.
300 weatherby, stainless synthetic. Strap a Zeiss 3.5 by 10, load 4 180grain barnes X 's in it and ur ready to tackle the world. 10sign:
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Has to be my Rem. 700 in the 270 as well!
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My Weatherby Mark V Ultralight in 338-06 A-Square. Best all around cartridge I've ever shot for big game. Carried easy and was accurate to 500 yards, maybe further, I never shot any further than that with it. Recoil was pretty grim in that rifle though. It wore a Weaver 4 power scope with a duplex crosshair.
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Savage 111 chambered in 30/06 with heavy barrel. Could shoot a fly off a horses @SS with my handloaded 165 grain Nosler accubonds.
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Ruger 77 MKII 7mm Remington magnum with VXIII 3.5x10x40 glass. It will drive tacks with 160 Nosler Accu-bonds and is pretty to look at. I like a nice walnut stock over synthetic any day so when I got a walnut gun that would shoot like my plastic guns I promoted it to #1. I did have a beater pre-64 model 70 30-06 that would be a close 2nd. Some dude back in the late 80's wanted to build a custom rifle and offered me $475.00 for it and since I had only paid $175.00 for it I sold it. The rifle is gone and so is the $475.00. #-o
My Savage 110DL .264 Win Mag. Bought thru a mail order catalog in 1964, sold in a weak moment in 1984. A lot of one shot kills made with it and no misses. I sure miss it.
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The .264 win mag is an awesome round. Too bad they were considered "barrel burners" and lost popularity. My cousin has one on a mauser action and its awesome to shoot. I would love to find one for myself. CJ
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Well as lame as this may sound I still have a soft spot for the Sheridan Silver Streak air rifle I had as a kid. .20 cal. 8 pumps and many a squirrel dinner it brought home.

Right now I am loving my :-$ Weatherby Vanguard 7mm. Rem.Mag. with a 3-9X40 Ballistic Plex Burris Fullfield II . First 7mm. I ever shot/owned. Love it. First day at the range I put up a 4 rd. group inside a quarter from 200 yds. shooting Winchester Silvertips 150gr. Couldn't believe it, from a sub $500.00 rifle I bought at Wal-Mart (???)
Who would have thought?

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My next one.
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remington model 700 stainless with nikon prostaff scope with remington core lokt.... first 3 shots with it were through the same hole at 100. Extremely good shooting gun for a reasonable price... it must be a good choice if thats with the boys in iraq are carrying.. well modified of course
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My new Thompson Center Icon, Weathershield Cammo in 30TC caliber with A 3x9x50 Nikon. It is one fine shooting gun. Lots of PUNCH with mild recoil.
I love all my rifles but there is one that I am head over heals for. Here is a list of what makes her up.
1. Remington Action Remington 700 Short Action 308 Winchester Bolt Face Steel Blue
2. Shilen stainless steel match grade barrel.
3. H&S Precision PST025 Pro Series 2000 tactical stock. Extra swivel stud, Vertical Grip adjust LOP, Adjustable butt plate.
4. Harris Bi-pod 6”-9”
5. Jewel Trigger Remington 700. Adjustable from 1 ½ oz to 4 lb pull. Currently set at ¾ of lb.
6. Burris Xtreme Tactical 2 piece base
7. 34 mm scope rings estimated price
8. Schmidt & Bender PM II LP 5-25 X 56 scope.
9. Digital Desert Dura Coat finish on scope and rifle.

This rifle key holes every shot out to 200 yards.... I love it!
This one! My father worked on this rifle for over 5 years and used to see me gawk over it. All along he was teasing me because he was going to give it to me anyway and on my 16th birthday he did.

He passed away in 2003. We buried him 5 years ago yesterday. Every animal I take with this gun is dedicated to him and I look to the sky and thank him because if it were not for him I would not be such an avid outdoorsman and rifleman.

Thanks Dad!

http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h129/life2extreme/Hunting/rifle.jpg" alt="" />

Rem Mod 700 .280
Bell and Carlson Kevlar Synthetic stock w/v-frame(glass bedded just for fun)
Free Floating barrell
Lugs are lapped and that action is SMOOTH
3lb Trigger
2x10 Simmons Whitetail Classic(nothin special) but haven't missed yet in 14 years no need for a new one.
Shoots Fed Premium 140gr TSX @ 3/4 in MOA
Even the safety has been worked on and is light and smooth!
Not bad for factory ammo in a DEER rifle!
For big game I love my Remington model 700 .270, I just don't know that any other gun would feel as good.

For small game I love to shoot my Remington 66 .22 that I got for Christmas when I was 11. There's not many of them around and it's a little unique as the stock is nylon and the rounds are fed into a tube in the butt of the rifle. It's light and a lot of fun to shoot.
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Remington model 760 Gamemaster chambered in .270 winchester. Trigger breaks clean at a whopping 2 pounds. Topped her with a 3x9 Bushnell scope. I know what some of you are thinking, weak $100 scope. Yeah, it is. But it suits me just fine. I can put 5 shots in a 1 inch group at 200 yards with it. I know the rifle is capable of much better with a better scope, but I cant complain for what it is. Someday I may put a fancy $500 scope on it. Maybe, just maybe. But for now i'd rather spend that money on fuel and loading supplies as my quest for the monster buck i spotted a couple years ago continues. I know he's still there, friends have seen him as recently as last month. I'll put him on the wall someday, or i'll die trying. He's a huge non-typical that i'm sure will score well over 300. I'm rambling... I know, but he's haunted my dreams since the first day i saw him.
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3 guns I love;
1) Remington 600 in 6mm...short, swings great, shoots soo well..pops excedrin bottes at 200 yards
2) Remington 700 mountain rifle in .280...has the better ballistics then the .270 without the shoulder punch of a 7mm
3) Tikka M695 in .338...there isnt ANYTHING I cant bring down with this heavy-hitter
[quote="wapiti67"]3 guns I love;
2) Remington 700 mountain rifle in .280...has the better ballistics then the .270 without the shoulder punch of a 7mm

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The first year I knew PRO, I let him borrow my Dad's .220 Swift after his .270 had some major scope problems.... :222 lol He was soo pissed about shooting this little tiny bullet and even after hitting the buck in the sweet spot, he had to shoot it again to put it down...I laughed sooo hard...what a memory
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So far, my Browning A-bolt in .30/06, I just love the good functioning and smooth bolt, as well as consistant shooting.
Easy answer there. I absolutely love my Ruger M77 Mark II .270. I have had nothing but success with it and it's a great all around gun in my opinion. Not too big that it will shred a deer and still big enough to drop an elk.
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I was reading a post below re varmint rifles, and the 243 was mentioned several times, along with the 223 & 22/250. Question; Is the 243 also enough for muleys? Duane
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My Favorite rifle is one I haven't shot yet. A 300 RUM made by kirby Allen of Allen Precision Shooting. Just waiting Out the Mandatory State of California 10 wait!

Here is the spec List...

300 RUM from APS
28" Broughton Barrel and PainKiller Muzzle Brake from APS
Borden Timberline Action
Seekins 20 MOA Rail
McMillan A-3 Stock, Adj. Cheek-piece
Shilen Trigger set at 1.75 Lbs
Leupold Scope: Vari-X III 6.5 X 20 X 50
w/Target Elevation and Windage Knobs
Also use Exbal on Pocket PC
(W/ Paper Copy in field)
Kestrel 3500 Wind Meter
Garmin E-Trex GPS

Kirby personally shoots every rifle he builds, and will not let it out of the Door unless it shoots
1/2 MOA @ 100 Yards with ammo he loads. I asked him how it shot and He stated he put 5 shots
inside 2.5 Inches @ 700 yards!! (Using Heavy Steel Gongs as Targets) I am Hoping to be able to
reproduce similar results with the Load Data He's providing me.

In the meantime I am using a Factory Howa 1500, 7mm Rem Mag. with a self done Trigger Job
set at 2.5Lbs, and a simple Bedding Job on the Stock. An Old Leupold Vari-X II 6 X 18 X 40 w/ Target Knobs is the Rifle I Hunt With. It Hits the 12" X 12" Steel Gong 500 to 1000 yards regularly, from the bench and Field Positions.

I'm learning to shoot these distances from sites like http://www.rifle-accuracy-reports.com
http://www.longrangehunting.com and also, I am learning alot from this fine site...Muley Madness!!

Russell 300 RUM
Russell 300 RUM
"Bear2" wrote:I was reading a post below re varmint rifles, and the 243 was mentioned several times, along with the 223 & 22/250. Question; Is the 243 also enough for muleys? Duane

Yes the 243 is big enough i know a few younger hunters that use them
My favorite rifle is the 300 winchester magnum
My personal favorite would have to be my Model 70 Win. 30-06. This was my first rifle purchase when I was fifteen and it has taken many animals over the years. Lot's of good memories while this gun has been with me.

I like all my guns though.

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Marlin 1895 chambered for 45-70 Gov't. SUCH a hoot to shoot!
Browning Medallion chambered in .243, my dad bought it for me when i was born, its got sentimental value and i love shooting it.
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Thanks for the reply re the 243 being enough for mule deer.
My favorite rifle however is a Remy 700 Classic in 30-06 with a Leup 3.5 x 10 Vari XIII.
My uncle (Sam) made me a fan of the 30-06, in the M-1 Garand.
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My favorite rifle was a M-16A1. Iron sites. If it was within 300M it went down. Turned out it was only a loner. They took it back when I left the service in 78. Since then it's been a Reminton 30-06 and 180gr bullet.
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My favorite old friend is my 300 win mag. I've shot it for years and have killed lots of critters with it. It's a Remington 700LH and was made by David Gentry in Montana. It shoots well and is relaible as heck. I put Nosler handloads through it. I also have a 270 and a 22-250 that are just the same rifle except for recoil. Use them for smaller animals, but the 300 is my favorite. I top it with a Leupold 4.5X14 with a 42 mm objective lens. I also have a Brown Precision synthetic stock on it.
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Sako Finnlight 25-06 with Leupold 4.5X14 - Now my oldest daughters hunting rifle I killed lots and lots of game with it.

New Favorite

257 WTBY MK V Ultralight and 4.5X14 Leupold.

I have several old rifles in there to but when it comes down to it I grab the WTBY and go....
#1 Ruger M77,280
#2 Ruger M77,7 mag I only shoot this when I feel like having a sore shoulder lol
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I'm still shooting my old 300 Winchester Weth Mag. I can't seem to talk myself into a different gun.

It's good for deer, big enough for elk and great for making the long shot's here in Utah. It's also not terrible heavy on long hikes.
I have a .17HMR that is just a riot to break out throughout the year and keep your skills sharp. Great for that prairie dog town that just moved in around April!
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For sentimental reasons since it was my first rifle, I will list my Remington Model 600 Centenial chambered in 6mm Remington. It was made for Montana's 75th anniversary of Statehood, and 100th anniversary of the Montana Territorial Centenial in 1964. My father purchased this rifle and gave it to me when I turned 12 years old. I have shot a LOT of antelope, deer, coyotes, and ground squirrels with it. It is a wonderful rifle, accurate, and the 6mm is a great cartridge! It is now my sons now as he just turned 12, and this year he used it to take 3 antelope, two does and one buck. The longest shot was 300 yards prone with a bi-pod rest.

I have always loved Ruger #1B's from the day they came out. From their classic looks to the implications that having one shot means, I cannot say enough about them. I have two Ruger #1B's and I love them to death. The 30-06 has taken black bear, coyotes, elk, antelope, mule deer, white-tails, and gophers. My 6mm has taken the same list of animals except for black bear. I shot one spike bull with it at 30 yards right through the front shoulder. He was angled slightly, and the bullet went through his chest and angled out his neck on the opposite side. He staggered two steps and was dead on his feet, but I put one more in him in the neck. He dropped on the spot. I shot him twice because I was on a thick steep slope and I had to take him up to the top about 1/3 of a mile and I didn't want him going down any further than he was.

Okay, I also love Ruger's new Hawkeye model of their Model 77,and I have owned (wish I still did) a Remington Model 700 Mountain Rifle in .280 Remington.
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I think my all time favorite has to be my Rem mld 700 XCR. 300win mag with a zeiss conquest
on top to help my old eyes. It's a natural born killer. :thumb
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Can't beat the knock down power of the .300 win mag in the Sendero, but you can't beat the long distance ability of the .338 lapua. That thing is crazy accurate at long distances!
posted by: Muleyshedfreak
you can't beat the long distance ability of the .338 lapua. That thing is crazy accurate at long distances!

:thumb The .338 Lapua is one awesome cartridge with some awesome accuracy at long range. :not-worthy

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My favorite rifle is my Remignton 300 Ultra Mag but man she kicks like a mule. My favorite fun gun is my AR-15.
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Remington XCR 300 WSM, burris ballistic plex 4-14 scope. 150 grain Nosler ballistic tips
My Remington 721 in 30-06. My Grandpa bought 2 of them new. My brother and I have them. Its a little heavy and not as pretty as some, but shoots like you wouldnt believe. Especially with a light 125gr load for deer and 180 gr for elk.
#1 winchester M70 in .270 win
#2 winchester M70 in .300 win mag
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I have many outstanding hunting rifles, but the one that is my favorite and will be for life is a
Weatherby MKV deluxe in 270wm. It is topped with a Leupold 3 x 9 vari x3 and I shoot 140gr Nosler Ballistic tips 1/2 groups at 100yds.
"Nice Rack" Taxidermy
I love my Remington modell 700 30-06

:) tsum
I like the Ruger M77 in .243 with a 3-9 Leupold Scope, and an Remington M. 700 in .309 with a 3-9 Ancient Redfield Scope
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I like my Ruger in 25-06. not to heavy to carry around and i think it looks pretty good. Now if I could just make it out to shoot it more often before the hunts lol.
There all my favorite, i love guns but am parshal to the good old Rem model 700 chambered in 30-06
I bought a Ruger M77 in 30.06 when I was 16. It's topped with a Leupold 3x9x40 VXII. It's a great all around big game gun. I've been watching this post as I'm trying to decide on a gun to put under the Vortex Viper 4x12 scope I got for my eastmans article. With young hunters coming up I'm leaning towards a Savage model 16 weather warrior chambered in .243 or the Remmington 700 CDL in the same. It would be my overpowered varmit gun/youth big game gun. On the other end of it I'd like a .300 WSM or .300 RUM for a little flatter point blank range than my .06 offers. Dilemmas. I'll keep reading your posts as I try to make a decision.
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Remington model 700 special purpose in 300 win mag. with a 5 x 15 x 40 Bushnell legend mil dot.

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Remington model 700 special purpose synthetic 7mm magnum. topped with a 4-12x40 leupold scope. thats the way to go!!! :thumb
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I would say its a toss up between my, Winchester model 70 270 short mag, or my remington 700 in 300 ultra mag. Love them both.
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Westener 264 Win Mag 140 grain partitions for elk And deer.
see my sig :not-worthy
i like the 30.06 and 300 win mag
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MY TC encore .50 muzzle loader hands down .
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My Remington 700 .30-06 would be my fav. so far. I got it NIB as a Christmas gift in '98 but for the life of me I'm not sure if it's a BDL, ADL or what. All wood stock, not laminated, but doesn't have the black part on the fore-end.
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My Remmy 700 Mountain LSS in 7mm-08. Exceptionally built, beautiful, fit and finish is as good as any high end Kimber. Accurate as any production gun and Big Game killer out to 300 yards. Low recoil.. Just a sweet heart. Nothing lives in the Pacific Northwest that I can't put on its chin.

I bought her two years ago and my Weatherby 300 win mag has not left the safe. Why should it?

:not-worthy 140 grain Nosler Partitions at 2900 fps. Favorite medicine for both Muleys and Elk.

Love her to death.

I guess for me it would be difficult to choose between two Winchester model 70s. One in a 270 and the other in a 300 Win mag.
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Mine would be my Remeington 30-06 7400 auto. I shoot left handed and could not find a left handed bolt action at the time I up graded to bigger rifle. The auto does just fine with many animals to it's credit. I also like my trusty modle 94 30-30. Taken a few deer with that gun too. Next would be my modle 99 250-3000 savage that my grandfather gave me. Great gun and a lot of "old timers" I know would love to buy it from me but, NO WAY!!
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For me it's my model 70 in .338 win mag that I've hunted with since 1985. I shot the first barrel out, and re-barrelled with a Lilja stainless fluted barrell. I've shot a lot of game with it, from Brown Bear all the way down to klipspringer.
The Ox
i know this is gonna sound dumb but i have mosin nagant 91/30 open sights etc.. but i love that thing since ive got it ive shot a 3 coyotes and ive nailed 3 coyotes on dead runs all over 200 yards and one out to 300 ish i feel like i cant miss with that gun! idk what it is with that gun but i just trust it.

seems weird but all the cheapest guns i own seem to be my favorites. maybe its because i use them more and keep the better ones in hiding. but my other fav rifle is my savage 223 love it!
Used to be my Rem 700 .06, but now its my Savage Model 16 FCSS with the acu trigger and acu stock...man is it ugly as sin but shoots like a dream!
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I love my Remington Model 700 SS BDL 300 Short Action Ultra Magnum w/ Leopold VXIII CDS scope. I went out last week and hit pie plates at 575 yds. Best shooting rifle I have. Problem is, ammo is hard to find and I don't re-load. ](*,)
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Redfield did get bought by Leapould and they are now made in Oregon at the same place as Leapold, im butchering there name sorry, ive been thinking about getting one
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Browning A-bolt hunter 7mm mag Nikkon bdc scope harris bipod
For years it was an old beat up Remington 700 ADL 25-06 with a 4x12 Leupold. I could hit like magic with that rifle. Someone offered me more money than it was worth and I had to part with it. Wish I had it now. These days I use a Custom .270 WBY made by Rich Riley of (High Tech Custom Rifles) here in Colorado Springs. I have only taken it on one hunt but I did knock down a 168 inch buck with it at 150 yards on the run.

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Right now, a Win Model 70 270 short mag. Years ago, a Win 70 30-06.

Still have every rifle I ever purchased. They are like family. I can't give any of them up.
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Marlin 336 in .35 Remington. Wears a period Weaver K4. Tack driver all day long.
But the really cool thing is that when I tell folks it's a .35 Rem, their faces scrunch up just like yours did when you read this. lol
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7 mm STW W/ 168gr. Berger.. Great western caliber
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Without question,

My Remmy LSS 7mm-08, stoked with Federal Fusion 140 grainers.

I use it for everything.

Deer, Elk, Antelope, Cougar, Black Bear, Hogs and one Buffalo.

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300 win with noslers. Great all around gun that can make moderatly long shots.

I may go for the 300 ultra next though.
For deer - 243 win mag.
For elk - 300 win mag. and 7 mm
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remington 788 22-250. its so accurete and fun to shoot.
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remington 700 cdl 300rum for big game. it makes for instant one shot kills on deer and elk.
7 mm STW W/ 168gr. Berger.. Great western caliber
+1 really like that caliber too
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Mine was a Winchester M70 XTR in 270. It was one of the early models,1979/80 ish. I was strapped for cash in my younger days,and sold it. I have missed that rifle every season since. I've looked for another,but have yet to find one nice enough,in 270, to bring home. Oh I've had and currently have "better" rifles. But that one was special to me. I made payments on it while working in a sporting goods store part time. I've never been as proud of a rifle since. Stupid is as stupid does.
Well, I would have to say that my favorite rifle is my Weatherby Mark V Deluxe in 300Wby. This was my first rifle. My grandfather gave it to me when I was 20. I hunted with it for a couple of years, but always hated shooting it because of the recoil and the weight of the rifle. Well I sold it. It went to a good buddy of mine and took a couple of Kodiaks and Caribou up in Alaska. When my sone was born, it donned on my what a mistake I had made in selling this rifle. Not to mention that I had sold it for $250! Boy was I stupid. Well after 18 months of convincing my buddy to sell it back to me, he finally did...for $600. When the rifle showed up at my door it was one of the happiest days of my life. I can't wait to give it to my son so he can hate it. :thumb
My favorite deer rifle is my Browning A-Bolt in .243WSSM. It hasn't let me down yet!
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My favorite rifle is quickly becoming my Rem 700 SPS ADL 243 Win. Havent killed a deer with it yet but killed a coyote at 350 yards and one a 460 yards with it. All of my rifles are my favorite! Ive got 3 customs a 7mm-300 Weatherby, a 270 Gibbs, and a 25 Gibbs. Killed deer with all 3 of them and elk with the 7mm-300 Weatherby. I love my Ruger Hawkeye 270 but its a little heavy for my liking with the factory hogue stock on it. So I guess my overall favorite rifle at the moment is my Rem 700 SPS stainless 300WSM. I finally got around to working up a good load for it and finally found one that will shoot between .5-.75" with 180gr Accubonds. It wears a Nikon Buckmaster 4.5-14x40 BDC scope. Im going to shoot it as is for a while until I save up some money to semi-customize it.
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First let me say WaidmannsHeil (a hunter's :>HI ) to all you good folks! Over the years I've had many that I loved and here's a partial list:
44 Mag, 788 Remington a sweet shooter-superbly accurate due to trigger/lock time!
670 Win in 300 Win mag - deadly accurate to 400 yds plus
30-30 model 94 carbine light and handy
32 Win special Rifle Marlin lever octo barrel - a super great offhand shooter
Several 300 Wea mags, in Weatherby Deluxe, mark 5 all superb 500 yd shooters, but like the 670 above it abounds in recoil! #-o
Ruger 77s in 270, and 280 all great in the earlier days with iron sights but now don't buy as iron sights are a necessity!
Rem 700 BDLs --all lefties and great with the shorter barrel, iron sights and in 270, & 06.
Model 39A marlins--one of the great 22s and a weight, balance match for my BLRs.
Browning BLRs - 243, 257, 308 and now have my eye on a 7mm08!! Super rifle, light handy, accurate, no complaints except for trigger pull. :thumb
Now I just own a few, the last Marlin 39A I bought is still my go to squirrel and rabbit rifle.
I also own a Browning Stainless Stalker, 22 in barrel in 270 w/a yucky syn stock for bad weather.
And my favorite a lefty Steyr-Mannlicher model M in 30-06. My dream rifle is a carbine, a Mannlicher, full stocked, in 6.5x55 or 7x57, left handed and preferrably a Schoenauer as the Steyrs went el-cheapo :>/ and use a plastic floor plate and trigger guard along with a plastic magazine. Too bad they won't believe me when I tell them go back to the metal parts, add a few ounces weight and sell dozens for every one they sell now!!! :thumb Reminds me of when Winchester, in the early 70s pulled the boner of all time and went to a pot metal feed lever in their model 94s, saving a few cents and effectively killing it's sales from where it was selling more of them than all other high powered rifles combined to way down the list on total sales. (In short it sounded funny when you jacked a shell in and folks knew pot metal is prone to breakage)

In short my favorite would be a full stocked Mannlicher carbine, a lefty, all metal, with some engraving, hand checkered hard wood stock, with iron sights and a medium powered scope such as a Redfield 3x9 and in 257 Roberts, 6.5x55mm, 7x57mm, ..308, or 7mm-08! 10sign:
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Call me a softy or nostalgic but my favorite to this day is my old model 94 Winchester 30/30. I got it for Christmas at the tender age of 9 and it maintains a place in my heart to this day. That rifle has downed many an Easter whitetail in the last 18 years and has since been a loaner rifle to my friend who just recently got into hunting with which he killed his first deer last year. The history of this particular model rifle also holds sway over my heart. One of the greatest figures in US conservation history, Teddy Roosevelt, was a huge Winchester fan and extolled the virtues of the fast handling repeater many times over. Its just great, period!
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A 357 mag. I got for Christmas from my Dad in 1962 ,That he had rebored from a 25-20. I killed Four Muley's and one whitetail.all nice Arizona Bucks. I now use a Yugo M-48 8x57. Don't need anything bigger then that. :-). SEMPER FI.
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Mine is a .308 featherlight that my dad got when he was 13 and passed on to me.
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i have a few that are very sentimental to me,m70 .264 win mag and a '94 in 44-40 from my grandfather

my favorite hunting rifle is a weatherby vanguard in 25-06 with a vortex diamondback 4-12x40 in a hogue stock puts 100gr tsx handloads 1/2"@100. havent used it for deer yet but have taken several coyotes and harvested my fair share of paper and 2 litre bottles :thumb
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I have an old Marlin .22lr that I grew up shooting. It was a blast to learn how to shoot with and it still works great. I also have an old break action .410 that's been in my family for a long time and has taken plenty of clay pigeons!
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Hands down my Weatherby Vanguard in 30.06. I have only been hunting for 12 years but have killed 2 Bull Elk, a Coues Deer, a Buffalo, and a Boone & Crocket Black Bear....I will have it with me on my first Colorado hunt in late October looking for my first Muley! Three of the animals I have taken with that rifle have been in excess of 310 yards....I trust it!
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I have a plane jane Ruger chambered in .220 Swift that will drive tacks all day. LOVE this gun. I have yet to have a coyote to run an inch after I pull the trigger. Longest confirmed and witnessed kill is 356 yards.
I love all my rifles but my favorite is probably my model 722 in .222 with a Lyman All American 4X scope. It's old and looks terrible, but it is a tack driver.
i shot my dad's tika t3 in 270 wsm a bunch. proally the best rifle i have ever shot. pretty awesome ballistics with a 140gr bullet, extremely accurate, and will put a world of hurt on just about anything.
Muleys 24/7
.300 weatherby sub moa. webstock and stainless berral :thumb
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Mine has to be my Winchester Model 94 in 25-35. Made in 1927 it was a gift from my Dad and exactly like the one my Grandfather hunted with until he passed away in 1967. My cousin ended up with that one but mine is a twin to it. I haven't killed anything with it yet.........but I will! I hunt Blacktails in the thick brush here in western Washington where shots are seldom over 50 yards and the 25-35 with a Lyman peep works just fine.
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My fav is my Ruger M77 in the .220 Swift. I had a BSA Panther 3-10X44 on it, and that was THE BEST money I spent on optics. (A svelt $129) The setup would drive tacks all day long at 100 or 200 yards. I've laid down coyotes out to 360 yards, always with one shot. Now it has a Nikon Monarch 6-24X50 with the BDC on it now, and I've increase my comfortable shooting range to 550 yards. The BDC is awesome. The circles range out to 800 yards with my current loads, but I haven't tried it yet. Hope too soon. It isn't anything pretty, but it'll get the job done every time.
i have too amny favorites....lets start with my AR10 .308 with match barrel and floating sotck with 4x16x50mm smithfield generation II scope for elk and deer, before that i used a hand me down .308 savage 99E lever action. For varmints a .223 WSSM Browning A-bolt.
7mm shooting 150 grain ballistic tips.... go to gun and mule deer round
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pre 64 Winchester 30-06 and Springfield 1903 30-06 sporter
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My Winchester Model 70 in 25-06 w/ Leupold 3x9 for me. The first time I shot it I killed my first buck back in 1982 when I was 12. The last time I shot it was last September. Thats when I killed my Bighorn ram with it. May not be the most vauble rifle a guy could own or the best shooting on the market, but i will never part ways with my Ol' 25-06.
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All of mine are my favorites,especially my Gramps Win Model 70 30.06. Now that is a great rifle.
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my favorite is my nosler model 48 sporter in 300 wsm..so light and ridiculously accurate
.270 Sako Finland. Drives nails like nothing I've ever seen. Put some Nosler Partitions on the end....it gets the job done
The .30-30 is my go to round for close range hunting in wooded areas. It has performed flawlessly for me time after time. I have rarely had to trail a deer with it, usually dropping them where they stand. I would never try to hunt anything larger than whitetail with it because that's just dumb. Choose the right caliber for what you are hunting and make a well placed shot and there will not be a wounded animal running off but yet meat on the table.
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Currently my favorite is my .280 Ruger what a wonderful rifle. So far 1 ram, 3 elk and a Muley. Then the .300 Wby lots of history and countless hunting trips with it over 40 years. Then the 375 H&H , but the one that is special is the 250-3000 99 E the open sighted rifle I shot my first deer with, many years ago.
I have a lot of rifles but find more and more my Winchester model 70 pre 64 featherweight in .270 win being my favorite go-to rifle.

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm66/southwind_hunter/muledeer2014121_zps6217698f.jpg" alt="" />
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For many uears my favorite was a Rem 660 in 308 w/2 3/4x Redfield scope. Then about 15 yrs ago I shuffeled through my rifle's using a couple different ones. Rem 700 in 25-06, Rem 700 in 6.5x06. The 660 ended up at my son's house, no idea how that happened. But several years ago I got a new Mod 70 Ftr Wt in 6.5x55 that's what I use nor.