Favorite scope
1/17/07 7:03pm
Tell me your guys favorite scope.
I've never owned a Leupold but I'd bet the Swarovski is no better than what you have. It just costs more!
Leupold Vari-XIII 2.5-8x36MM Matte or same scope in the newer VXII or VXIII
Both scopes are rugged and reliable.
Ziess Conquest 3.5-10-44 is really close
My Vx III is good but not as good as the others.
I have had several Nikon and Burris scopes and always liked them. I have however settled in on my leupold fixed 6x
I also really like my old redfield widefield fixed 6x
I am a fixed power kinda guy.
Pleasure to have you aboard, ::wel !!