Feds Lying about Border Issues

Janet Napolitano keeps saying that the border is safer than ever but those of us who travel it know better. One of the sherrifs I know says they've recently found Quarans and Literature on how grand it is to be a suicide bomber in the trash left in the desert. In January the DPS and Sheriff did a four day sweep in the desert just south of Phoenix and arrested 110 people (drug mules and traffickers), confiscated 7500 pounds of drugs and took nine stolen vehicles. The news link to this has been mysteriously pulled. Should have been national news. Here's a link to the latest atrocity. Read it before it disappears. It should be national news too. The really astounding data is that 900 Border Patrol were assaulted in the Tucson sector alone and that the Cartel has erected sophisticated eletronic listening posts to monitor cell phone and radio communications on U.S. soil.


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Funny how our governments are determined to control us (citizens) and fails to protect us. Yet any non-citizen can do anything they want, and at citizens expense.

Thanks MGardner, I just copied and pasted this to all of my friends through my yahoo account. fatrooster.
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The good news is that there are lots of deer along the border now and plenty of leftover licenses you can buy over the counter. You can come here and see what's going on first hand next fall. I'd suggest hunting in pairs during rifle season though. We camp with lots of other hunters on the county road and secure any gate we need to stop and open at night coming out because it's a great spot to have your vehicle stolen.
Thanks for the link and info also, agreed they are covering up and leaving out all kinds of information. Pretty sad.