Fenced Elk

Sucks to see them behind fences but still nice to look at...This was on the way up to the Mesas by Colbran.
I am suprised that fence is holding them. I worked for a fencing company in high school and we had a job building fences for and elk ranch. We built 12' fences all over the property and he still had some jump them. Luckily they ended up in other fenced in pastures but they sure as heck jumped them a few times.
Neat pic by the way.
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Your right, there was another sturdy fence I was able to get the camera through....
I believe in Utah the fence must be at least 8' high. That fence looks 6' at best. I hope the one you put the camera through was higher as well as sturdier.
Couple of nice bulls in there for sure! I have to think that bull could jump that fence in a heartbeat if he wanted too, but maybe he's got all he needs within 10 feet of that spot. Also not sure how tall the perimeter fence may be.

I've seen a couple whitetails jump an 8' high fence before. They didn't exactly do it with ease, but they sure enough made it over!