Few Thanksgiving Pics
11/24/05 10:32pm
From my new Digital Rebel 350 XT
I got lucky to find this guy, he wanted his picture taken. I obliged. :)
Here is a link to download the full size if interested...

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/kanab_1.jpg" alt="" />

http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/15909-2/kanab.jpg" alt="" />

http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/15912-2/buck_far.jpg " alt="" />
I got lucky to find this guy, he wanted his picture taken. I obliged. :)
Here is a link to download the full size if interested...

I was close, probably 30-40 yards. Got lucky, 1st time out with the camera.
Love the Rebel though. Hope to get better with time and more luck. :)