Filamore Oak Creek INFO
9/29/10 2:17pm
Myself and my brother just got back from Colorado Muzzle deer hunting. Both of us killed smaller mid 160" bucks. Not really what we where after but, thats all we could find this year.
I've been drawn for the Filamore Oak Creek unit in central Utah. Being from Texas and out of extra time from work I have not had a chance to do any scouting at all. Just maps. I'm not looking for someone's honeyhole. Just maybe some info about he general area. It looks like to me by the maps I have (I don't have the best of maps) that most of the area is going to be accessed only by hiking. Is that correct? or are there smaller roads or trails. Any idea what quality of deer are in Filamore Oak Creek this year. I killed a 202" last year in Colorado. Does Filamore Oak Creek have that quality deer there? Thanks in advance for any info. I'll try to upload pics of our Colorado trip when I get back from Utah.
I've been drawn for the Filamore Oak Creek unit in central Utah. Being from Texas and out of extra time from work I have not had a chance to do any scouting at all. Just maps. I'm not looking for someone's honeyhole. Just maybe some info about he general area. It looks like to me by the maps I have (I don't have the best of maps) that most of the area is going to be accessed only by hiking. Is that correct? or are there smaller roads or trails. Any idea what quality of deer are in Filamore Oak Creek this year. I killed a 202" last year in Colorado. Does Filamore Oak Creek have that quality deer there? Thanks in advance for any info. I'll try to upload pics of our Colorado trip when I get back from Utah.

9/29/10 4:35pm
Sorry, I've never hunted the oakcreek unit. My neighbor has several 80"+ sheds that have come off that unit. I did see a 216" deer taken off there about 4-5 years ago. It definitely has the potential to produce what your after. I've heard of some good ones that come down onto private property near oakcity, but that doesn't help you too much. Best of luck. I hope you are successfull on a giant.

9/29/10 5:23pm
I have a friend whos family has alot of propery just to the east of your unit. They own pretty much everything from yuba lake down just to the north of scipio. His family kills big bucks every year during the rifle hunt right along the eastern boundary of your unit. I have archery hunted a few times in the mountains just south of scipio and have seen a few decent bucks but nothing like your probably hoping for. From what ive been told alot of the mountain in the Fillmore Oak creek unit is private but i could be wrong. Hopefully someone will chime in if im wrong on this.It sure looks like some good Mule Deer country. Wish you the best of luck. Ill talk to my friend and PM you if he knows much about your area. When does your hunt start?

9/30/10 7:09am
My hunt starts Oct 23rd through Oct 31st. Thanks

paunsaugunt 08
10/7/10 4:05pm
Hey muleytex email me at , i live in the town of oak city and i can give you some spots to check out if you would like. The unit is pretty steep rough country but if you are willing to put in the effort there are some good bucks there. I was hunting with a guy three years ago on the muzzleloader hunt when he shot a buck that went somewhere close to 220 i believe, the buck was called captain hook for obvious reasons, it had about a 8 in drop hook cheater. Good luck on your hunt and email me if you want to. You can also call me at 435-979-6059 my name is Jeremy.