Filet/Boning Knife
6/29/09 1:13am
Looking for a good Filet/Boning knife for the 'GutLess' method...
For simply filleting meat off of the bones (de-boning in the field) I've been pretty impressed with the Havalon Piranta-Z knives. It is a replaceable bladed knife (surgical scalpel blades). VERY lightweight (for backpacking), easy replacement blade system, and never a dull blade.
Check them out here:
Have you used that knife to de-bone an elk? The blade looks a little short for boning larger quarters.
I really like the concept though.
I've used it to remove the meat from the great. To cut hide though, I used a different knife with a heavy supported blade. For deer, I use the havalon for everything.....never had an issue.