Filled the Freezer!!!

Man, it has been our best year to date!! 4 Antelope, 2 Buck Deer, and 2 Cow Elk in the freezer!! We just got back from a High Country Elk hunt and had success, and loving the hard work and sore muscles to haul them out!!
I got my cow Monday evening in a snow storm. 120 yard shot.. Suprised me too that they came right to me! Hauld her out on the game cart Tuesday.
Hubby got his Wednesday Morning, 320 yard shot. Work like crazy to get it out that day and made it by the skin on our teeth.
It was very cold, snowy, windy but worth every minute!! I love Back Country Elk Hunting!!!
Id say you filled 2 or 3 freezers! Sounds like one heck of a year! Congrats!
You must have one BIG freezer!!!
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Boy howdy what a haul. Congrats on the full freezer. :thumb
Man now that's a pile O meat. I hope that your freezer is as big as the bed of your truck.
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Great job, that is certainly more than a freezer full! :thumb
Filled your freezer and your toyota! :thumb
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That was a great high country hunt! And thanks! My old 'Yoda' as we call it, was a low rider coming out of there! Hard to say how heavy those cows were, but it was a lot of meat of the old truck to haul out!! It was all worth it, they taste great!! Good luck to everyone still out hunting!!
congrats, that is alot of meat haha. no more grocery shopping for a couple years :)