fillmore poachers caught!!!W/pic
1/12/08 9:13am
Jack Bennett 22 of Holden,Utah-Tyler Simmons 22 of Fillmore,Utah Shane Bundy 21 of Fillmore,Utah
They were charged a total of $8000.00 10 days in jail and 36 months probation.
There are alot of us that have tried for ever to draw a tag for the Pahvant and these jack@%@! go up and kill a bull that alot of people would love to harvest They say the bull was poached about a mile away from where the big archery bull was taken
I wish there was something the true hunters could do about our laws on poaching?
Anyone have any Ideas?????? " alt="" /> " alt="" />
They were charged a total of $8000.00 10 days in jail and 36 months probation.
There are alot of us that have tried for ever to draw a tag for the Pahvant and these jack@%@! go up and kill a bull that alot of people would love to harvest They say the bull was poached about a mile away from where the big archery bull was taken
I wish there was something the true hunters could do about our laws on poaching?
Anyone have any Ideas??????

Glad they at least caught them, not sure what else we can do? Report anything suspicious and turn your BUDDIES in that poach.
Many people will pay $8000 to hunt a trophy elk. Go to any of the Banquets this spring and see what Trophy Bull elk tags sell for. A lot of them will be $15,000. So why should 3 poachers have to split $8000 between them for breaking the law on something that a willing law abiding person would pay $15,000 for? It also takes the time of our Conservation officers, courts and probation officers. Who paid these cost? Their fines should have been $30,000 or $40,000 and give the opportunity to work off some of it in Community work such as habitate improvement. Maybe they would develope an appreciation for what they just stole from the rest of the public.
Makes me like all of us MAD.
I say along with a fine, jail time, probation they also need to start up a poachers affender list, which shows who they are where they live and so on. Just like the S*X offenders list does. Then I think this would make them think twice cause everyone would know just not know their names but faces as well.
I know I wouldnt want to be on any offenders list.
Same punishment as molestors? HUH? Well here in Idaho the molestors get 180 day rider in a minimum security prison. They get out on probation and 90% reoffend.
I agree, many more problems with those type of people than poachers. But I'm certainly not comparing a poacher to them, nor would I...but I'd like to see a POACHING list online. Not a bad idea, most poachers are not just 1 time offenders either.
If it was illegal to do this it might cut out some of the poachers out there. Not all of them as there will always be someone doing it but will cut down probably 30% of it.