So i woke up this morning about an hour before sunrise. I walked about a half mile behind my house and sat where i seen coyote tracks and scat. So i sat down and had the call going and no lie it wqas probably 30 seconds and this coyote comes running at me. I was shaking bad and i put my .22 pump in ready position within seconds this coyote was 12 yards away. BOOM i shot he ran i thought i missed then BOOM i took another shot missed then all of sudden THUMP she dropped. [-o< I was so happy i called everyone haha all excited and i just stood up and she took off i was in shock so i started shooting remember this is a .22 pump iron sights. I hit her again in her neck then she stood up like nothing was wrong and ran i couldnt believe this so i followed her and found her laying in between two rocks(1st picture) but she wasnt done she tried running but i put a shot right in her head she was done now i sat down because i chased her a good 200 yards and i just relaxed and stared at her in shock that i just killed a freaking coyote i was so pumped. She is big i think so anyways. I carried her forever my ams are killing me ](*,) . I want to get her mounted but dont know where to go can anyone help me at all? I will have more pics later my ma needs to help me with them but these are from my phone. :) By the way i called her in with a johnny stewart electronic call.

set her up
when i found her
thats pretty cool , good work JERSEYBOY! :thumb
Congrats Jersy Boy 10sign: 10sign: 10sign: with a 22 :not-worthy

If you want to bring it to SLC I can hook you up with some great taxidermist :thumb
jersey boy
Thanks buckmaster but that is way way far for me lol!!
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Sounds like you worked your call pretty good if the dog came running.
Did you skin her out?

Keep it up
jersey boy
I actually just got back from a guy i know who does taxidermy and he is doin a rug for me which is awesome.
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Good job. Is this your first coyote? There ain't nothing like your first one.
I still remember mine and it was 38 years ago.
You are hooked now and live in a great place to be a caller.
Even the pro's have a hard time calling one this time of year.
Try it come next Sept. and watch 'em come running.
Oh and get a bigger gun, coyotes can take a lot of killin.
jersey boy
yea i told myself im not gonna hunt coyotes unless im using my shotgun or if i buy a better gun so if anyone is into selling a .22.250 or .17 HMR let me know because thats what im looking into.
Congrats! Ya its probaly a good idea to get a more powerful gun so you have less runners.
Congrats on killing your first yote. Hopefully it'll be the first of many fawn killers.
Buck Fever
Congrats on the kill, keep after them!! :thumb
jersey boy
Yeah if anyone is thinking about selling a better gun for coyote for me let me know because i could deffinetely use. For now on until i get better rifle im gonna use my 12gauge. :thumb