Finally a fresh set!

Went out today and my brother (wildantlers) and I found a 5x6 set. Wildantlers glassed the five point side from about 1000 yards away. It was a lot nicer than we thought when we got up to it. I walked about 50 yards around the ridge and found the other side. On the way back down to the truck, Wildantlers found a small 5 point." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Very nice! =D>
Agreed, very cool! :thumb
Sweet! Nice job guys.. Makes the trip all worth the while after finding them
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Its cool when the shed looks bigger as you get closer ,its usually the other way around for me! :)
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AOW you still keeping track of those elk up in your stomping grounds? Let me know if youd like help tracking them down> :thumb
Wild Antlers- Ive been out shed hunting almost every night, been finding all the ones from last year I missed and a few brownies. Over the weekend I seen 6 bulls still packing in a different location. One real nice 6x6.. They are traveling so far everyday Its hard to keep track of them. Im going to wait a week or two before I go up there.
I also found out who has been hitting my secret deer canyon. I need to get a hold of him and see what matches he has of mine.. Damn tresspassers!
Well I havent checked on the 14 bulls in a week and half.. They are tucked away in a canyon out of sight and just waiting to go in there..
I checked my moose canyon last weekend, there is still 4 feet of snow. I tried to make the treck without snowshoes.. No bueno..
The current weather update: SNOWING like a mother..
I also heard of some limited entry bulls that are comming down, I need a better spotting scope to glass them so if you have one; come on up.. I could use help packing those monster sheds out in a while :)
Have you been out any.. Any luck?
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Ya AOW still been at it found quite a few muley horns just mostly white ones,Ive only been out for elk a couple times and most the elk I have seen look like the dropped a couple weeks ago already got 3-6 inches of growth , only ones ive seen packin are little rag horns and spikes!! We definetely need some better weather though this is getting rediculous ](*,)
Awesome set man! Congrats. I don't know if it's just cause their wet (At least it looks like it's a wet day) or what, but I really like the color of those horn. I still am yet to find a fresh set?
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Ya they do look better when there wet, we got pretty soaked that day :)
thats awsome! great find