WYOMING ELK DRAWS CAME UP TODAY AND a buddy and i drew unit 7 elk tags :thumb :thumb now we just have to start getting are more detailed research done. has anyone ever hunted it? in the "huntinf fool" magazine it says it's the best archery hunt in the state but do to my buddies work we probably wont get to go till the very end of october or begining of november.
one hunting fool
never hunted it but congrates on the draw :thumb =D> man that is great please let me know how the hunt turns out because i have been looking to do more hunting around surrounding states and if this works out for you i may just start working the draw there my self. So far i have hunted Whitetails in Michigan and Turkey in North Dakota the black hills area if you ever want some info on it i would be glad to return the favor
one hunting fool
sorry the south dakota area for turkeys not north i figure i would fix it before someone else corrected me (**!!)

congrats on the draw, be sure to post some pics!!!! :not-worthy :not-worthy

GOOD LUCK! and congrats =D> =D> To bad you will miss the rut (???)
Killerbee, Congrats on a great tag. I've also heard great things about that tag. From what I hear there's some private land in that unit that you have to watch out for but other then that it's a great elk unit. I'll try to see what else I can find out about it for you.
Very cool. Congrats on the tags. Can not wait untile this next season, bet your in the same boat now. lol
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HIKER-- heck ya, any help would be great! i have some people to call but general areas to start off would be a great head start :thumb

DEADI-- well i'm not quit in that SAME boat, but i'm pretty stoked for this season! but your boat is a cruz ship, mine is a real nice yacht[spelling??]

i think i've came to the idea that i'm going to have to go out there for a week in bow season, in my hunting fool magazine they say it's the best archery hunt in the state! how can i pass that up?? but kill or no kill on that hunt i would absolutly go back on the rifle hunt with my buddy!
Congratulations to you and your friend on drawing the tags!
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Congratulations on your Elk tag, unit 7 is a big area, and I have hunted some portions of it, southern portion. Do you know what part are you looking at? I might be able to provide some information.

M. Bird
"M.Bird" wrote:Killerbee:
Congratulations on your Elk tag, unit 7 is a big area, and I have hunted some portions of it, southern portion. Do you know what part are you looking at? I might be able to provide some information.

M. Bird
we haven't narrowed it down yet. i'm open to any suggestions-- if i go down for a solo archery trip what do you guys think for dates? i'm thinking the last week of september seems to be well into the rut action in most areas. did you hunt it with a bow or rifle? how was the southern end? one more question for everyone. what is a REALISTIC idea on what type of bulls are in there?
GOOD LUCK, glad the tide turned in your favor. :thumb
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I have looked into that area a few years back and found out that there are some big bulls, but the down side is that there is alot of private land. If you pay a trespassing fee you can access some great country.
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As for a solo trip, I would look around Laramie Peak, it steep and rough, but there are some BIG bulls up there, this is west and north of Wheatland. There is some private land down low, but if you are in Late September you need to look high very high. I would look at the south side of Laramie peak. Later in the season I would look down for towards the Wheatland res. # 3. If you can get out there early and talk with some of the ranchers, you might get some free access to cross their land.

Good luck

M. Bird
Congrats on the tag there are some BIG elk in unit 7 my buddy has been trying to get that tag for 5 years.

I know a outfitter in unit 7 and they take 330 bulls on a regular basis but the unit has some areas that access is difficult with priavte land still a great unit and good hunt.

Make sure sure you contact the wardens and the bioglist in the area to get an idea of where to go and of the Public/Private areas I refered to.
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Killerbee congrats on the draw....I too drew a cow tag for E7....I plan on a solo DIY cow elk/deer/lope rifle hunt, that is if I draw the deer and lope tags...haven't decided where I will try to lope hunt yet....The information on this post is a great help, Thanks M. Bird, Great white and the others....I have been looking for weeks now at the satellite photos and BLM maps of the Laramie Peak area around Friend park but unless I get a hot lead I won't really know where to go until I get there....and then I could always use the expert advice of you guys that live and have hunted there.....This will be my second hunting trip in Wyoming and I love it, unfortunately it looks like none of my three son will be able to accompany me this year....Any info you guys have is very much appreciated....Good luck Killerbee and maybe we can meet up in Oct for fresh tenderloins....
Thanks again,
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i drew that tag last year. great area. a ton of private land. some of it's not reall well marked. I killed a 344 bull. different area for me. a ton of rocks and hidden pockets you can't see because of the rocks and lots of hidey holes. call me 307-320-8153
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Killer, I hunted that area about 10 or so years ago. The private land is an issue. When I first started to scout that area, I spent just as much time looking at the map as I did the mountain! What was frustrating was that some areas are really mixed (checkerboard) with private. It does make it a little hard to navigate in those areas. However, there are some big chunks of public also and during the archery hunt, the elk are more likely to be on the public. I made 2 archery trips and 3 rifle trips that year. I finally shot a nice bull towards the end of the season. If you take anything from these posts it is: HUNT THE ARCHERY DURING THE RUT!!! That should be a great hunt. If it were me and I was planning on only one archery trip, I would go the 20th of Sept.

Just my .02 If you need any more info let me know

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get a good map that show public and private. there's a ton of private. i drew the tag last year and it was good. go to laramie peak and go southeast is where we found the best. dad killed his bull at the head of cow creek, which is a walk in area, but we came in from the laramie peak side. i killed mine about 10 miles southeast of laramie peak. good luck!!
thats some great info guys, thanks! wyosongdog i will try and give you a call this weekend. but thanks a ton for both of your inputs! :thumb