Finally! First Bull Elk

I was late getting to my spot as usual so I was glad to see only 1 truck parked nearby. I headed up the faint trail easily as it was light enough to see and after about 15 minutes of hiking I thought I heard a bugle so I stopped to listen. I was pretty sure I had imagined it or it was another hunter trying out his new call. I heard it again a few minutes later and hurried up the trail to an open spot where I could see better.
As I came out of the trees I could see some upper slopes across a canyon and immediately spotted a few elk. I was watching a nice bull when I saw him bugle. I have been hunting this spot for 3 or so years now and have never heard a bugle or cow so needless to say I was excited.
As I reached the top of the ridge I could still see the elk in about the same place as they were before but they seemed to be slowly heading further up the canyon. There were 4 or 5 bulls and three or so cows so I hoped maybe I could get ahead of them and get a chance at any one of them.
I tried to move quickly down into the canyon but that was not too easy as thick as it is. At this point I could hear all kinds of bugling so I angled up the other side of the canyon thinking I was still in front of them. There was a bugle directly in front of me that sounded pretty close so I stopped and waited for a few minutes. The wind swirled and felt good on the back of my neck...uh oh! I was still hearing some bugles a ways up the canyon but I was sure I was busted. Oh well, business as usual for me.
The area was pretty open and there was a large pine about 25 yds ahead of me. I could hear twigs breaking and the rustling of leaves beyond the pine so I nocked an arrow and waited. I half expected to see another hunter pop out from the other side of the tree but instead it was a big bull! I nearly crapped my pants as I drew back and he stopped just as his shoulder was covered by a bush so I held for about 20 seconds waiting for him to run off, but instead he started moving forward again. As soon as he cleared that bush I let it go and.. Whack! I could just see my fletching behind his left shoulder as he ran down the hill. I was in shock, I just hit a bull from 25yds.
I called my two buddies and to their credit they dropped everything and got to me in less than 90 min. I was waiting at the spot where the bull was when I hit him and I couldn't find any blood so that hour and a half was agonizing. I re-thought my shot placement a thousand times.
As the three of us started down the hill from the last spot I saw him it didn't take long to find him. Maybe 75yds and there he was, piled up! My first elk, heck my first anything for that matter!
I’m still in shock.
Thanks to Greg, Jake and Dan. I couldn't have gotten him down without your help. I hope I can return the favor soon.
AWSOME! congrats to you on your first bull. i bet your adrenaline was off the charts! thanks for posting
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Great story thanks for sharing.
Congrats and thanks for sharing! 10sign:
Congrats on a heck of a first bull, let alone first anything! :thumb
See! Being late isn't always a BAD THING!

CONGRATS on a FINE first bull!!!!!
Great first bull Congrats! =D>
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AWSOME! congrats to you on your first bull. i bet your adrenaline was off the charts! thanks for posting
Thanks! Actually the adrenaline didn't start until after the shot, it was shock initially since I couldn't belive he was right in front of me. I just about passed out after I shot.
Congrats on the BIG accomplishment. :thumb

Thanks for sharing with us all.
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nice first bull!
Springville Shooter
Great bull, great story, great fun, great job!!!!----shooter
congrats super nice 1st bull 10sign:
Its great to see so many new hunters harvesting great animals. Keep the sport of hunting alive, pass it on
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Nice bull man!!
Good Job!
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"lunkerjunker" wrote:
AWSOME! congrats to you on your first bull. i bet your adrenaline was off the charts! thanks for posting
Thanks! Actually the adrenaline didn't start until after the shot, it was shock initially since I couldn't belive he was right in front of me. I just about passed out after I shot.
I love that!!! I've never killed an elk and this year with the LE archery elk in the pocket I had a big boy breathing down my neck and bugling loud at about 30-40 yards. I could never see him but notwithstanding I could not control my breathing for the life of me! I've hunted all my life and have never experienced that sensation before. Unbelievable and addicting! Great job, way to keep your cool and deliver a nice shot!!! Congratulations.
10sign: 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
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What an incredible hunt, exciting! I'm still waiting for a chance, I can only hope that it turns out similar to your experience!