Finding Post-Rut/Wintering Mule Deer
11/1/13 12:33pm
I was hoping I could get some insight into post-rut/wintering mule deer. I know Elk, post-rut are much easier to pattern once they are found. I have had good luck glassing south and west facing slopes to find them. Also, once they are found they are pretty routine in there habits and don't wander outside their core wintering area unless pushed. Is this the same for wintering mule deer? I would guess so, but some first hand knowledge would be good. I have a Jan. bow hunt and would like to know what tactics are most beneficial this time of year.

11/1/13 8:49pm
Deer generally are the same as you mentioned in Elk post rut also, they tend to winter in the same area also unless bumped around. However I've had pretty lousy success where I've found them rutting, meaning I've got back in to find bucks I knew where they were rutting and was hoping to find them post rut in the area still wintering. This has been low success for me, but that's just me. They seem to disappear after the rut. I've found other deer wintering post rut and they stay relativley put in the same general area.

11/4/13 7:08am
My plan is to try and locate a couple of bucks in isolated pockets and then make a play/ambush when all the stars align. This will be my first time hunting in Jan. with a bow on post rut bucks so not sure what exactly to expect. I would assume most of the big boys will be done rutting by Jan. 1st and broken away from the herds by themselves or with a buddy or two.

11/4/13 12:51pm
Where is your hunt? State? Rut starts and ends differently.

11/5/13 7:06am

11/5/13 9:51am
I've never hunted that time of the year either but I've usually had good luck finding bucks in areas that have a lot of feed, buck brush, cliff rose patches, etc. I've also heard that sitting water if it's been kind of dry or getting on a good track can be successful during that time.