thank's to all of you.
we were hunting just south of gillette.
i also have a video of our hunt. but we mostly speak french in it.
here's the link to it anyway.
I'm a MAC user and couldn't get it to work in my standard browser (Safari), I also tried FIREFOX with no luck either.
I do have Window Media Player for MAC and was FINALLY
able to get it work work, by digging through your site forever which is pretty tough considering I don't speak a lick of FRENCH.
I did live in Western Ontario for a couple of years and met a bunch of French speaking Canadians EH?
I was able to download it to my desktop and get it to work.
Thanks for sharing.
I agree, great looking goats and nice pics.
Thanks for sharing!
we were hunting just south of gillette.
i also have a video of our hunt. but we mostly speak french in it.
here's the link to it anyway.
try a clic on the screen first and then play!
As I stated earlier, great lookin' bucks!
I do have Window Media Player for MAC and was FINALLY
able to get it work work, by digging through your site forever which is pretty tough considering I don't speak a lick of FRENCH.
I did live in Western Ontario for a couple of years and met a bunch of French speaking Canadians EH?
I was able to download it to my desktop and get it to work.
Nice coupld of buck you guys got there. Loved the video. Thanks for sharing.