First archery buck

Well I took everyones help/criticism from last year and had much better luck an much more fun. I took it as a personal goal to not let anything fly beyond 30yrds boy was it tuff blew alot of stalks on alot of big deer but it's what the animals deserve. After a long 21 straght hard days stompin around covering alot of ground blown stalks an gettin wore out felt like callin it a year after the last week or so the deer simply just disappeared. But keep thinkin about what I read on here an on huntin shows never give up hope always stay positive so that's what I did an luck sure did change. Got up one morning hiked deep into this canyon before light watched on a good advantage point for deer movin seen a ton of deer but either does or too small. So it got hot an late I was so beat an tired wanted to just call it a day but somethin told me just keep going. Someone once told me if u want it bad enough it will come. So I started hiking seen some deer bedded an found the one I wanted put a perfect stalk on him an belly crawled into 17 yards pulled back an let it flew buck didn't go more then 15 yards. Not the biggest buck I had a chance at but for sure one I'll never forget. I'd post a pic but he's prob not as fun looking at compared to the big ones on here. He's a 21in wide 2 point.
Definitely post that buck photo on here! We would all like to see it.

Congratulations on your first archery buck. Tell me, when you crawled up that close to a mule on one......wasn't it an incredible experience? That's what it's all about right there. Way to stick with it.
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I'm excited to see your buck! Congrats on accomplishing your goal!
+1 for what bohntr said lets see that bad boy! Did you hear the arrow hit?
Glad that you stuck with it. There is nothing like out smarting an animal in it's own habitat. Can't wait to see the pictures.
Congrats and great effort on your part. Please post up the pictures.
Good post, lets see the buck.
"therookie" wrote:Well I took everyones help/criticism from last year and had much better luck an much more fun.
Way to stick with it & learn from last year (and the criticism) :not-worthy . There are some very smart & experienced hunters on this forum... far smarter & more successful than me!
Congrats, let's see him.
Lets see that buck! Its not the size that makes it a trophy but the experience! I bet just about everyone on here would say that their first buck is one of their best trophies if not THE best. Congrats! The hard work always pays off!
heck yea i want to see it!

it's nice to read a story like this, its getting almost extinct. I'm more excited to read your story than a thousand i've read about some guy cranking out a 70+ yrds shot, because he is in his comfort zone, and posting a "i lost a buck" thread.

heck yea man! congrats! thats bow hunting at it's finest, there is no way you can look back at that situation and not think " that was awsome!"
post it up!
We want pictures. Congrats on the success.
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Post em up!

awesome now lets see some pics!
Way to go, sounds like you earned him. Congrats
