First archery elk
9/9/11 4:32pm
I finally got an elk with my bow. Its just a cow but ,its been a long time coming. I think Ive been hunting them for around 10 years off and on. I spotted a herd about 1/2 mile from the road as I was on my way home. I crawled that 1/2 mile through thistles, sage and a lot of other stickers until I got to the only bush for a good distance. I waited for them to get closer, on their way they started to get nervous. I ranged her, drew and shot, perfect hit in the lungs. I waited about 45 minutes, went to the truck to get a light and started looking. By the time I got back it was dark enough you needed a light to see. I couldn't see very well as the batteries in my head lamp were weak, so I called it a night. As I was walking out I heard what sounded like a dying gasp, I was a little worried that the hit may not have been as good as I thought so I didn't sleep very well. The next morning I picked up the trail, its much easier to see blood in the daylight. I followed it for a few minutes, glassed ahead and saw her, 20 yards from where I quit looking the night before. I was stoked. She died 300 yards from where I shot her.
I have no problem taking a cow to fill up the freezer! Even better taking one with a bow.