First Bear Hunt
6/5/13 9:01am
Well I finally got around to posting about my first black bear hunt! My brother is heading to Mexico on a mission for two years, so my brothers and stepdad and I thought it'd be fun to do an out of state hunt together. We ended up going to Star Valley, WY and hunting with 5k Outfitters. I had been planning for quite a while, so I was excited to have the chance to develop a bear load for my 270 WSM. I bought some 140 gr. Accubonds and started shooting. When I saw this group at 100 yards, I was pretty confident I had found the right recipe:
The game warden estimated her to be at least 4 years old and thought she could be upwards of 5 or 6 years. He collected a couple molars and said I'll receive an email once they determine her actual age. Turns out that I was the only one to put a tag on a bear during our trip. One of my brothers had a nice boar come in, but the bear never offered a clean shot.
P.S. still waiting to find out the WY deer results- ill keep you posted.
No worries, all my plans are pretty much solidified and scouting has started... cameras are up & I was hoping to have a chance to check them sooner but a business trip to Philadelphia is pushing me back an extra week. I should have pics about the same time you have results. Family was up there last weekend and saw TONS of deer. My brother said he could tell which bucks were going to be nicer because their antlers are growing out instead of up. Lots of moose around & it should be interesting to see how many fawns and calves we see this summer.