First bunch of cuddeback pictures
8/2/05 5:58pm
Here are some of the pictures from a cuddeback digital camea that I got. Round two went much better that the first just need to learn how to change the size of the pictures now. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

thanks for sharing, gotta love these trail cams.
Recently I received a warning about the use of this politically
incorrect term, so please note, we all need to be more sensitive in
our choice of words.
I have been informed the Islamic terrorists, who hate our guts and
want to kill us, do not like to be called "Towel Heads", since the
item they wear on their heads is not actually a towel, but in fact,
a small folded sheet.
Therefore, from this point forward, please refer to them as "Little
Sheet Heads." Thank you for your support and compliance on this
delicate matter. :))
A guy from my military vehicle club was trying to pass that off as "fact" to one of our other outspoken members. There was almost a fight between the two. The first guy was just trying to set the joke up, while the other one was getting really pissed about being told to be politically correct. When the punch line was delivered the second guy just rolled his eyes, and said "alright, you got me." :thumb