First Colorado elk hunt

I just read the post about ,( WELCOME TO MULEYMADNESS! As the various western states start releasing their respective draw results we tend to have a huge jump in membership on the site so I thought I'd throw this out there.)
I under stand that this is my first post and i did kind of what this post talks about. I have researched all the units in colorado that i could hunt muzzy hunt. I came up with a few units that looked good for me with 10 elk points! I narrowed it down to unit 66 and 67. I choose 67 because my dad, brother and me would have best odds of all drawing this unit. I have put in some research on this unit. I dont plane on just joining your forum and getting some info and leiving right away! I am a member of several hunting forums and look foward to being able to help other people on this site. My dad hunted unit 61 elk during the 2009 muzzle loader. Hes been putting in for unit 2 for last 20 years, with no luck. So he saved up money for awhile and gave in and bought a land owners tag and hunted public land. He had great hunt and shot a 320 class elk. If any one has would like some info on this unit or unit 85 for mule deer I can help.

My original post........My brother,dad and i are planing on hunting unit 67 in the 2011 muzzle loader season. For my brother and me this will be are first elk hunt, my dad will be putting in for a mule deer tag , because he has 20 elk points, and is hoping to draw unit 2 this year or some time soon. My brother and me both have 10 elk points, and my dad has 6 deer points I'm looking for some info from any who has hunted this unit? I'm not looking for your secret spots, but if some one could point us in the right direction? We are not looking for a monster elk, we are just looking for some place that might have some higher numbers of elk! :) From the info ive gathered so far, im thinking the saw tooth- mtn. area. If any one has advise on places to camp, or or places to hunt it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for any Info- Adam Wipperfurth
Madison, Wisconsin